Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hey folks,

Been away for about a week on business, and found all sorts of interesting remarks on my NEW AND IMPROVED 2008 previous posting.

Per many requests, I will try to steer this blog into directions that will actually create a forum for discussion on areas of interest that I think we all can relate to.

I expect the same series of ANONYMOUS comments with their varying degrees of decency, but even in their venom-spitting a little truth can be learned. Maybe if they keep commenting we will finally find out who they really are. (Insiders for sure, but WHO????).

Well anyway here it goes.

Our friendly village assessing office regularly tells us that assessments HAVE TO ACCURATELY AND FREQUENTLY CAPTURE MARKET CONDITIONS by the re-evaluation process so everybody is paying their FAIR SHARE.

This happens more or less every 2 years, and based on real estate markets, economy, etc, the entire village's evaluation grows (or declines), AND on a more micro basis, individual neighborhoods experience more or less of that kind of fluctation based on specific very local conditions.

SO, where am I going with this?

Essentially every news organization (including local) have acknowledged a significant softening in the real estate market.

When markets were hot and either entire village or neighborhood conditions were changing, we got to SEE OUR MERRY BAND OF ASSESSING MEN with their clipboards and tape measures running around figuring out how much more taxpayers were going to get stuck with increases in their assessments.

If your specific increase was higher than average, YOU were going to pay a BIGGER part of the total village tax bill.

If your specific increase was lower than average, you were going to pay a smaller part of the total village tax bill.

Previous comments on this blog gleefully touched on how re-evaluations make sure that everyone pays their FAIR SHARE. WELL, if markets are down, and those disparities were taken into to account during upswings, shouldn't our MERRY BAND OF ASSESSING MEN be out their NOW with their MACHETES taking offsetting swipes at everyones evaluations so that everyone keeps paying their FAIR SHARE.

I think it was Trustee Mike Serpe who once told me that municipal government is the one you can touch and see everyday. (ie, fire trucks, snow plows, police cars, road crews...etc, and don't forget schools). Well if that is so, somebody please explain why there should be any difference at all in anyones local taxes?? Does one get more or less of anything if they pay more or less for it?

I know this is opening a can of worms, but that is exactly what this kind of forum is all about. Mudslingers, nay-sayers, and down-right-nasty-and-cowardly anonymous comments...have at it!!!!!!!!


Village People said...

Rocco Vita said in a recent Kenosha News 7 Questions article (can anonymous believe anything written by the Kensoha News?--http://www.kenoshanews.com/seven_questions/roccovita.php) that property values were up 2.5% last year (up 5 percent during 2006 and another 2.5 percent during 2007). I find this hard to believe based on the properties in my neighborhood that have sold and are for sale. I've watched the prices drop dramatically. One house has been for sale for one and a half years. Prices are mostly at or below current assessments. Not sure what he's basing his opinion on when one looks at recent sales but perhaps because nothing is selling, he's stuck on old sale prices that no one can get anymore. I've been told by three different Realtor friends that the only properties still selling are the ones over $400,000 (relocations mostly) but even that is slowing because people can't sell there existing home. Should be interesting if assessments go up as I think a lot of people will challenge. Don't be afraid to call Rocco as I have spoken with him and he has sent me assessment data for my area to review.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Here's the intesting part of the equation.

Once again, the village leaders have made such a fuss about their low mill rate (which really is just a simple division problem of total tax derived spending divided by total evaluation).

IF (and its not much of an IF), evaluations are dropping, and assessments follow (as they should), in order for the spending to stay level the math equation forces the mill rate to rise.

OF COURSE at that point, the village gurus will tell us that mill rates really don't matter all that much and that the property owner should reall be looking at total dollars.

DEMAND FAIR ASSESSMENTS!!!! and watch them all dance.

Anonymous said...

Alex, you and Mikie flunked math, didn't you?

Tax collected is equal to total amount budgeted spread across all properties equally.

Which part of equally do you not understand? Do you really think that we should all pay the same amount, regardless of size or value of property? That's called communism.

It's a good thing that you are no longer on the Board, as you certainly don't know 2nd grade math.

You flunk. Blame your 2nd grade teacher.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Dear Anonymous,

You seem quick to label everyone you don't like with some kind of negative badge.

Your comments speak for themselves, and every open minded reader will quickly realize that it is you, my friend, that is pathethically uninformed.

First off, I am a chemical engineer -- I don't imagine you know anything about engineering, but it requires 4 years of math in college.

'Mikie' as you refer to is a chemist and I imagine his math background is quite similar to mine. NO, we don't work together. What are your qualifications.

You stated, "Tax collected is equal to total amount budgeted spread across all properties equally" -- your words verbatim. What does 'equal' mean to you.

Are you suggesting that everyone currently pays the same (equal amount)??

Then in the next paragraph you contradict what you had just previously stated. It seems as though you are the same critic who commented on someones writing ability previously and that they should blame their english teacher.

Based on your performances, I think your teachers are equally liable.

Communism -- you got that wrong too. Communism doesn't expect the same of anything from anybody. It expects 100% contribution and then everybody gets back what they 'need'. Talk to your social studies teacher about that one.

I really appreciate your comments. It shows everyone the nature and consequences of blind faith. Keep these gems coming.

Village People said...

I actually have a Ph.D. in microbiology and do a lot of statistical work. What I would ask anonymous is the following; what services does a million dollar home use that a trailer home, and everything inbetween not use? All have garbage pick-up (which is a fee based on service). All use Police, Fire, school buses, snowplows,libraries, courts...etc. equally. People pay for the amount of water and sewer they use. So, what's the difference? Elderly complain about paying for schools. How does property size or home size matter inregards to services provided? Does anyone need a math degree to figure that one out?

Communism? any economic theory or system based on the ownership of all property by the community as a whole

I guess someone just likes to talk without any understanding at all.

Anonymous said...

wow...a "piled higher and deeper", eh? go study some small bugs, then, like alex.

Village People said...

Let him or her talk. Their comments just prove our point.

Anonymous said...

Education does not necessarily equate to intelligence.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Dear Sascha,

I agree completely. Assessor Training Academy just isn't what it used to be.


PS. I guess I was hoping for better.

PSS. You know the deminutive form of Alex is Sasha in some eastern European cultures......

Anonymous said...

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Louisville is home to many major corporations and businesses.

Anonymous said...

New here,

I'm seeking help for the kids of Haiti.

I'm at this site for a non-profit group that gives time to
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And yes, they're legitimate.

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