Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is PLEASANT PRAIRIE better off now?

2005 -- contested races (Tiahnybok beats Terwall, Lauer beats O'Toole, and Matson nearly beats Steinbrink). Debate is alive and well and people are talking.

2006 -- contested races (Matson and Hauck are defeated by Kumorkiewicz and Serpe). Debate is alive and well and people are talking.

2007 -- contested races (Tiahnybok nearly beats Steinbrink, Lauer defeated by Allen, and Matson defeated by Yuhas). Debate is alive and well, and people are still talking.

2008 -- no contested races (peace, silence, perfection?, not even a mention in the Kenosha News). Compared to the previous 3 years, one might wonder if Pleasant Prairie had any elections at all. Debate is all but gone. Maybe it's time to check for a pulse.

You probably know what I think, but what do YOU think? Is Pleasant Prairie better served by having issues debated in public, or by silence (with the hope that the fox is not guarding the henhouse)?

Maybe our experience here from the last couple of rounds inspired some people in Kenosha. They had a mayoral contest and MANY aldermanic races. Even the county board had more competition and turnover.

Anything is possible if you can imagine it. Kudos to all the candidates (incumbents and challengers in Kenosha), and a sad day in Pleasant Prairie.

Congratulations to the "WINNERS" at least from this member of the "WHINERS".


Village People said...


Anonymous said...


If you're so concerned, why didn't you run? Freaking crybaby.


PleasantPrairieWI said...

Dear Waaa,

I ran 2 elections in a row. I won once, and I lost once.

I know I am not alone in my concerned opinions about how things are in the WILLAGE -- the voters (although not majority the second time) were near 50/50.

That's thousands of people.

Maybe I will run again, maybe I won't. Maybe one of the thousands will too.

It's gotten expensive as we all know, and if I do again, I have to save up some money.

Pretty simple, huh? But in the meantime, I have not checked my discerning hat at the door, and can only be a cheerleader when it's warranted. And occasionally it is.

Anonymous said...

I have come to the unavoidable conclusion that you have serious problems.

You didn't "almost" beat lost 46% to 54% - according to the County Clerk's website (a significant margin Alex).

Please run again. Then you will find out just how tired of you and your bitter, arrogant, self absorbed whining this community has become.

Maybe that is what it will take to make you just go away. If so it would be worth it.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...


According to the anonymice, voting in an election is not enough if you are unhappy with the direction of the village. YOU ONLY SHOULD BE HEARD IF YOU DECIDE TO RUN. Our village du jour cheerleader RAG, and his famous quote “didn’t vote, don’t bitch” has been overturned.

So do you think the 46% who voted for Alex in the last election should just go away too? Keep talking anonymouse. 5% of the people voted for someone else when there wasn’t even an opposing candidate. Is that significant? We aren’t going away and we don’t have to run to be heard. Just in your world.

Village People said...

The voters did speak and over 600 didn't vote for either candidate. That's nearly the same as when they were 'opposed'.

So what's going to happen when these guys retire? I guess there is no one good enough to replace them. No one else can do the job? I have a feeling you'll see a lot more people running after what happened in Kenosha with this last election. I like my role and the amount of MY participation in the Village and community. Too bad anonymous can't say the same and can only whine on blogs. He/she doesn't even have the wherewithal to speak at a meeting like the rest of us. Too bad.

PleasantPrairieWI said...


The margin was about 300 votes out of more than 4300. I don't know what the County Clerks office website is showing because interestingly April 2007 is not available currently.

You can go ahead a parse words such as "nearly", but the fact remains that the universal love fest ONLY exists at Village Hall.

Otherwise the village is pretty close to split.

Regarding your recommendation on running again. You know I have not decided, but fine recommendations like yours make it only more interesting.

If I decide to run, it sounds like I can count on a contribution from you since it would be "worth it". Election law prohibits anonymous contributions though, so this could be a problem in your quest to help me "go away".

You would like everyone who isn't a "cheerleader" to go away, wouldn't you?

I hope your arrogance continues as strong as it appears to be, but I still see a disconnect between rhetoric and action -- BIG TALK and YET CONTINUED HIDING BEHIND MOMMY'S APRON. If you are so tough and strong, why hide? That's what you ARE doing. Or is your TRUE identity so compromising that you can't afford to let it be known.

You know, I think you need people like me to be around. You and your ilk have demonstrated a high degree of pent up anger. You guys won, and you are still angry that anyone even has the nerve to oppose.

The only thing worse than "bitter, arrogant, self absorbed whining" from losers is "bitter, arrogant, self absorbed whining" from WINNERS. Can't you show a little grace and play nice-nice? Show us how it's done, please!

By the way, you did not answer the original question. Is Pleasant Prairie better off without contested elections?

Anonymous said...

How soon can one start fundraising? When can one start a PAC?,

Anonymous said...

"If you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them"

Philospher Lao-tzu,

Anonymous said...

Pleasant Prairie would be better off without YOU. Please move.

Village People said...


PleasantPrairieWI said...

That was a Chamber of Commerce moment!

I nominate Anonymouse for Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Director.

Think of the the new slogan: "Anonymouse will REALLY make YOU feel WELCOMED".

RAG said...

Didn't vote, don't bitch refers to voting.

Is the village better off? Isn't that like asking if the glass is half-empty or half-full?

Alex and Jeff have two accomplishments of note; First, they were two citizens exercised their right to seek public office who ultimately defeated two incumbents. Second, they were able to get the village board meetings held at a time more convenient to village citizens. The previous 5 p.m. meeting time was clearly inappropriate.

Two years later two other citizens exercised their right to seek public office who ultimately defeated two incumbents. At a minimum this demonstrates that the system is working.

Is it necessary for someone to be a candidate in order to be a critic? Nope.

Is the absence of opposition Tuesday an indication that people are happy with the performance of the incumbents? That's not implausible, especially since one of the main reasons people become candidates is a concern for how things are being done and a belief that they can do it better.

Of course there are other reasons why people don't run for office -- cost, for example. But dollars spent don't always equate to votes. Kathy Carpenter just was elected alderman in her Kenosha district and she attributed much of her success to knocking on doors and talking to people.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

As far as being better off I don’t think much has changed. We probably have more debate/dialogue now with blogs like this one, but that doesn’t equate to changes in the decision making of the village board. My dad has been a resident here longer than me and from the time he has moved here there have been decisions made that had a negative impact on him. The water problems in Carol Beach Unit #2 are ongoing. When Alex and Jeff were on the board at best decisions went 3-2. I guess the board has gotten nastier in their remarks to citizen’s comments, which is worse. The one great thing about our village is location, location, location which luckily nobody on the board can change.

PleasantPrairieWI said...


Thanks again for your thoughtful comments.

While I agree completely with your addition (especially the location, location, location part), the goal of the question was IS PLEASANT PRAIRIE better off now without contested elections?

During the last 3 rounds of elections there was loud outcry from the 'establishment and their minions' that the campaigns and active debate were "HURTING" the village. That village employees were uncomfortable. That developers were skeptical, etc, etc.

I guess now every employee of the village should be thrilled, and that potential developers should have no concerns, right? Pleasant Prairie is no longer the 'embarassment' that some people claimed we were.

OH! The citizens? Well, the citizens should be happy too, right? They now have confidence that the same 1 or 2 people are making ALL decisions that effect them DIRECTLY in the CHECKBOOK.

Have you ever seen the movie PLEASANTVILLE? I loved the scene where a house ACTUALLY catches fire and no one knows what to do? (Before anyone gets too excited -- this is not any kind of shot at the VPPFD -- so chill)

Anonymous said...

.Nice comment, Bobby.

"We probably have more debate/dialogue now with blogs like this one..."

Yeah, like you threatening to kick someone's a**. That's sure better dialogue, there, junior.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

"Better" dialogue is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps if the VILLAGE didn't treat folks as they do, there would be NO NEED for venues like this.

I think any discourse is better than NO or EDITED discourse -- it appears that this IS the way you like it, Anonymouse. "Shut up, we know what's good for you", sound familiar?

Regarding the kicking a** comment - Bob and his father have been called stupid, etc (no need to go further). What would you do if you and yours were so called? I suppose you are one of those pablum-puking types that would try to find out what totally irrelevant and long suppressed factors were contributing to this lapse of social grace. Do I have it right?

Maybe that's why it's best to be cowardly and invisible? You are the local equivalent of a ROADSIDE BOMBER with an Improvised Explosive Device. You truly are a genius Anonymouse.

I think Barack and Hillary can count on you!

Anonymous said...

.Does anyone really believe the Trustees or President are relevant? It's Mr. Pee who runs the show. The rest of them fall in line and do what he demands. I love how Mr. Pee says "at the direction of the President, I did this". Ya right. Like Steindink has any brains. That's why he voted for the bill that almost cost us our police department, then tried to shift the blame on others when the new bill was addressed in the Village. And that because of the President, Mr. Pee found the money when the referendumbs failed. Look what the editorial in the Kenosha News My Turn said about the Village; location, location, location and the Village People will even take credit for that. IF you disagree with anything, you're branded a GADFLY. Get a clue people,

Anonymous said...

.Let's see...First Junior threatens to kick someone's a**, then you call someone a dumba**.

You wanted an open and honest dialogue? Yet you threaten and insult those that don't agree with you.

I think I see how you can be such a uniter. Well, maybe not so much.

Village People said...
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Village People said...
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Village People said...

Remember this, anonymous?

""" Anonymous said...
After watching the March 17th board meeting on YouTube (thank you, Alex), I have come to a few conclusions:

1. Bob Babcock Sr. is a dumb ass."""

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

Okay, I was going to let it go, but for the record I said I would “AGAIN kick your ass.” Since I don't know who the anonymouse is, I was obviously speaking metaphorically. He made a bunch of ridiculous comments which I rebutted. He even accidentally helped the side he despises by making the Orwellian comment. I “kicked his ass” on paper. Maybe it was a poor choice of words, but obviously there was never a physical threat to anyone. Also, I actually apologized for stooping to his level regarding the childish argument we were having and told him to go ahead and call me a dumbass if it made him feel better. This stuff has nothing to do with the village and I'm done with it.

As far as the village being better off without contested elections, maybe we are in some regard. When PAC’s like KOPS are used to misinform and scare the public into voting for the incumbents, is there really any useful debate anyway? Every contested election has ended up being spun toward issues that weren't really relevant anyway. At least the residents didn't hear a bunch of scare tactics that were later proven to be just that. The VB has acted in an embarrassing way to keep power and that was reflected several times in the K-news.

Anonymous said...

.Bobby, Bobby, Bobby:

Just because you lost the KOPS battle doesn't mean that the parties supporting KOPS were dishonest. Is Hillary dishonest because she's losing to Obama? (ok, so it's not the best example...she's dishonest per se).

Just because you're a loser doesn't make the opposition makes the opposition a better communicator, and a winner, not a whiner, like you.

Anonymous said...

.KOPS; Kumorkiewicz OverinDULLges Pollocoff & Steinbrink

Keep Opponents Properly Suppressed

Oh how soon they forget the Village President who supported the bill that started the whole mess in the first place,

Anonymous said...

Alex, you must really think people are stupid. You don't think that others can tell when you write under anonymous yourself sometimes.
Ever since Sasha was exposed as being your in drag (in writing only - I hope) she has vanished.
No wonder you watch so many cartoons, that's where your ideas come from.

Village People said...

Just the anonymous types.

"Alex, you must really think people are stupid."

Anonymous said...

No I really don't think people are stupid, but I do know that some individuals are. Unfortunately, I cannot name them since they choose not to be known. Kind of a riddle, huh?

Actually, I have great respect for people and that's why I do what I do. I think people need to have all the facts and hear all perspectives and then I leave it up to them to decide. I don't know if you are one or many, but I believe the existence of this blog proves for sure to many of those people how nasty some people (anonymously) can be.

Now about your clairvoyance, you need to go back to that 2nd grade clairvoyance teacher and apologize. You seem to think that any well written and well thought out entry that actual deals with matters at hand, and isn't just a critical waste of time (anonymouse logic) is mine. I guess I should be flattered. Reality is that I am not alone in my additions and comments. I would be proud to take ownership of much of what is said, but again your clairvoyance is in need of a refresher course as it is dead wrong.

Please stop wasting your time and everyone else time. Write about something real and not just more sophomoric backlash. I kind of fell short of my previous promise to ignore garbage, but I really need to go back to that goal and ignore your future anonymouse dreck.

Does this sound enough like me??

Alex Trebek

Village People said...

Why should they write about anything real when all of them are above average everything in the Village is fine?


Anonymous said...

Wow, Mike, great use of grammar. Apparently, that PHD you taunt was not a degree in English. Is your alma mater still an accredited university?

Village People said...

Sure is; didn't you know they had a big riot this weekend? Oh that's right, since it wasn't blogged, and is outside of PP politics, you wouldn't have a clue.

We missed you at the Village Board meeting tonight. That's OK though because you get all your information from us. Feel comfy?

Village People said...

By the way, it's PhD. Know what it stands for?

Anonymous said...

Yeah! IT STANDS FOR POST HOLE DIGGER! If you dig far enough you might find beaver.

Village People said...

Ah, your witty repertoire and intelligence shines through. What school did you not graduate from? High?

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Post Hole Digger,

Please review your (and your ilks) postings over the past months.

What do you see in common? From where I stand, it looks like all you can do is COMPLAIN about the COMPLAINING. You have not offered anything new, and yet you (and your ilk) continue to need to hide behind anonymity.

Why is that?

Generally, the victors and their minions find little need to hide, in fact, they are willing to stand on the street corner, and be clearly seen as they are in 'power' and should have nothing to fear.

The 'vanquished' on the other hand need to work in the grey area, and stealthfully forward their ideas.

Being visible for those people is precarious.

I need not speak for myself, because my record of taking risk is clear, but I PERSONALLY want to thank those that stand with me in being visible.

If you took a 2nd grade history class, you undoubtedly learned about a conflict called the American Revolution. There was a group of men, now called "the Founding Fathers" that also took risks by challenging the British crown and rule.

They did not hide behind anything.

While I am not comparing Pleasant Prairie to pre-Revolution America, I do ask if you are confident in what you say, why do you need to hide from anybody?

Proud, commmited and confident need not hide. WE don't.

Anonymous said...


Simpleton, No Obvious Worth,

Anonymous said...

SNOW? Thats a great acronym.

Anonymous said...


As you know, I don't see the same amount of issues with the Village government. I know the dog has fleas, but I don't feel they are as plentiful as you do.

One thing I find we'd truly agree on is the KUSD and it's issues. I am shocked there isn't more concern in the Village with regards to the KUSD issues. Our (Pleasant Prairie) representation to the school board is virtually nil. The school commission needs fresh, intelligent voices added. I implore you, Mike Renner, and anyone who has/will have school-aged children to get more involved in this. I am not saying to ignore your personal goals within the Village (political or otherwise), but see this as crucial to the Village's growth.

Feel free to contact me with any ideas you may have. Again, thanks to you for the forum.

RAG said...

I believe that the School Commission has to either do something meaningful, reformulate as an Intergovernmental Relations Committee with broader focus or disband.

Mr. Roscioli is right -- the village needs a greater voice in KUSD but the Commission's only claim to fame seems to be the annual candidate forum.

There are broader issues of relations with neighboring communities and whether we're getting our money's worth from the county. Plus, there's a need for the village to have greater say in school district matters.

I say we scrap the School Commission unless it starts doing some real work.

Village People said...

I'd at least give the School Commission a chance to see if these issues are being addressed. I have attended Candidate Forums in the past but haven't been to other School Commission meetings. The agenda's are posted but no minutes so it is hard to determine outcomes or discussions. I would think since two Trustees are members of the School Commission, that these types of issues, that affect Village and surrounding communities within KUSD, are being addressed (I sure hope). if not, then direction needs to change or people need to be more vocal at meetings (but since no Citizen Comments, you would have to talk directly with Board members). Just MY opinion.

Anonymous said...

.Why don't you begin a new blog entry about the schools so we can get away from the negative comments on this post?

Village People said...

Finally an anonymous comment that makes some sense.