Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The audio tape of the April 7, 2008 meeting was sent, transcribed, sent back, copied for board members, reviewed by board members, and then put on the April 21 Agenda for board approval.


IF the current Village Board continues to resist doing the right thing and making meetings available (gavel to gavel) on CH25, then the least they can do is make sure they keep this turn around going. I can find examples but for certain there are cases where minutes were not approved for as much as 8 weeks!

KUDOS for this performance, but it still DOES NOT give average Joe Q. Public a chance to see before the subsequent meeting. Perhaps the village website can post a 'provisional' version of the minutes ONLINE so that village activists can have a look to, and possibly comment prior to approval??

Once again, a move in the right direction, but still more can be done.


Village People said...

Why does it take months for the Parks Commission, School Commission, and Plan Commission to get the official meeting minutes? I do like that they are posting audio for some meetings but some of the speakers at the last Parks meeting were very difficult to hear.

Anonymous said...

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Anonymous said...

Because he was late for the new start time for Village Board meetings.

Village People said...
