Friday, November 23, 2007


I don't know if you find this ironic, but last year the village went to the PEOPLE in a referendum to buy what basically could be described as public safety items (ambulance, plow, emergency equipment). The voters KILLED the referendum by a devastating NO vote (around 70% opposed).

In the 2008 BUDGET and meetings, the "leaders" of our village vowed never to go to referendum again, and instead of giving the voters another chance to chime in on this, they have elected to simply bulldoze their plans through and increase the former HOLY GRAIL of measurements (our MILL RATE) by 5.8% and ON TOP OF THAT they are doing $2.2 million dollars of BORROWING to make ends meet in 2008. They vowed not to go to referendum again, because they don't want another public trouncing--not because they are worried about you.

Now wait a second, we were supposedly in great financial condition just last year when for political expediency it was necessary to keep the mill rate flat. Then voters rejected a voluntary tax (the referendum). AND NOW they justify sticking it to you twice with a mill rate increase and a new $2.2million DEBT all in 1 year? A comment was made that with this adjustment hopefully no increase would be needed next year. Yes, that is probably right in the mill rate, as they will likely stick you with an assessment increase which will result in MORE OF YOUR MONEY going out of your pocket.

Trustee Clyde "on whose side" Allen made a closing comment in his Dr. Strangelove-esque video that challenged viewers if they could keep their lifestyle and standard of living intact without a "pay increase". This is how these guys view more taxes as a "pay increase" for them. HMMM? Boy oh boy, all that government employment experience sure is paying off.

Isn't new development supposed to take the burden of growth off the shoulders of existing taxpayers? That is what SUPER TRUSTEE Mike Pollocoff keeps telling us when he wants to get a development approved. But when asked why this is not happening he just kind of shrugs his shoulders and says things are not quite happening like expected...

Government like business should get more EFFICIENT as it grows, but this government seems to keep needing more from the existing taxpayers to keep things floating.

Is the super trustee label troubing for some of you -- I am sure it is really frosting some of you. Well take a look at my perspective. We have 5 elected board members (1 President and 4 at-large trustees). We have an nearly bulletproof 3 year golden-parachute-protected appointed Village Administrator (Mike Pollocoff). At meetings, Citizen Comments are followed by a chance for BOARD OF TRUSTEE members to comment. Mike Pollocoff is routinely given a nod and the wink to have a round at responding to comments.

On the 2008 Budget hearing he spoke for something in the range of 15+ minutes before we heard from any other board member (the elected ones). Then in almost now routine fashion, the elected trustees and village president followed Pollocoff's comments by considered additions such as "I really have nothing left to say because it was already said", "I just want to thank everyone who was involved with this great experience", "I am so proud to be in this village and on this board", and "I have to stand in line to talk with Mike Pollocoff these days since everything around here is so harmonious these days". Lets face it - a bunch of fluff, but no real answers about debt, repayment plans, tax philosophy, or "how dare the Kenosha Water Utility treat its largest customer (us) at an unpreferred rate!" No they talk about how nice it is now.

Finally, thank the WI ASSEMBLY for keeping a cap on your increase. The current law allows for a maximum increase of either 2% or growth (whichever is greater). In the 2008 Budget discussions, it was revealed in many instances that this cap is a real pain for folks like Mike Pollocoff and John Steinbrink. They and apparently many more decision makers at village hall would be much happier if no cap existed so that they would have the ability to REALLY get at your money. 5.8% this year. How many of you existing taxpayers had a 5.8% increase in your household incomes this year. This is just a fine example of not being to worried with OPM (other people's money). BUT, IT'S ALL OUR FAIR SHARE, right?


Anonymous said...

Kenosha Unified apparently is much braver than Pleasant Prairie. They are doing a referendum again to get approval for improving the high schools. You can also watch their meetings on cable.

Anonymous said...

We pay a lot more to Unified than to cities and villages. Kenosha also collects a 5% cable fee along with a 1% community channel fee to fund these meetings. Kenohsa residents pay for the meetings.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who knows me knows I predicted that Pollocoff and Steinbrink would 'find' the money before the referendum's failed. The Village just needs to be upfront with us and let us decide. The bottomline reason why the referendums failed is nobody trusts this government to spend our money wisely. Period.

Anonymous said...

Some companies don't give merit increases every year. I wonder what Clyde would say to them?

PleasantPrairieWI said...

So, the solution is not to go to the voters again, because they know what the result would be, but to just BORROW another $2.2 million to make ends meet. Today, somewhere around 12-15% of your tax payments to the village are to pay for past borrowing (none of that goes to pay for essenntial services like police, fire, roads, etc...), and now they have added another $2.2 million.

You are right -- people just don't trust their government anymore (local, state, and federal) -- it's pretty sad.

Everyone who takes a paycheck from a government job needs to recognize that they work for us (the taxpayers) and not the other way around as so many seem to believe.

Regarding franchise fees, I am quite confident that it takes no where near a 5% franchise fee in Kenosha to broadcast city council meetings -- maybe to operate all of their governmental access programming. Same goes for Pleasant Prairie -- the bulk of the costs are already 'sunk'. The additional expense required to provide gavel-to-gavel UNEDITED meeting coverage is nearly negligible--ask them to prove why its not!