One of the lastest anonymous commenters on my WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD posting commented that the "election is over", and we should "give it a rest and lets talk about something else". Okay.
I wonder if regular whiners such as a the VOP writer that appeared in the Kenosha News TUES 1/8 got that memo?
On Monday, Bob Babcock Jr assisted me in videotaping the regular Village Board meeting. I knew I was going to be late at a minimum, but was able to arrive at about 1/2hr into the meeting. To my amazement, the meeting was almost over. Actually it lasted a total of about 35min.
Some board members must REALLY have wanted to see the BCS Championship Game. Result was another pathetic year for the BIG TEN as compared to other college football conferences. 3 bowl wins and 5 losses. Perhaps we should have a Toilet Bowl for the Big Ten teams (in the goal of full disclosure -- I am an alum of Northwestern University).
I wonder if these are the kinds of conversations that occur in the Village Hall Board office room. Steve Kumorkiewicz once commented that they discuss 'sports' back there. I know that during the 2 years I had access to that boardroom, I never heard sports talk - ever! Actually whenever I entered that room conversation normally just stopped. Well, at least we weren't discussing village business.
Speaking of Kumorkiewicz, at the end of the 35min meeting, he came up to me, offered a handshake (which I reciprocated), and he wished me a "Happy New Year". I wonder if he would have done that if I had submitted campaign registration materials against him for this April's election. Mike Serpe still avoids me. And John Steinbrink I think will never talk to me again. Afterall, I had the nerve to challenge him for Village President, and he actually had to run a campaign. Several weeks ago, Monica Yuhas stopped and talked to me prior to a meeting. I think she is really a good person, and has exhibited some willingness to question the 'leadership' -- must be the Trustee #1 seat! Clyde Allen is still working on the budget, so I am not expecting anything from him soon either.
John Braig, who called my actions in campaign 2007 "asinine" because I thought the entire board should have input in the formation of commissions membership, was manning MY VIDEO CAMERA when I entered the board room near the end of the meeting on Monday. After the meeting, he came up to me and indicated that he wanted to add some panning and zooming to make the video more interesting. You can see the video on YOU TUBE ( In a brief chat, he sort of indicated that he would like to help out again on the videotaping. I SAY "WELCOME" to anyone who wants to assist. The village has taken babysteps in getting the meetings audio onto the official village website, and for 2 months now, citizens can also see meeting video on YOUTUBE. Perhaps with support of influential citizens like John Braig, the village will officially video the meetings and put them on Channel 25. (NOTE: The Village of Gurnee has taped meetings shown on their Channel 17). We own the cameras and necessary equipment and the meetings don't have to be LIVE! Just do it!
Even RAG ( blog owner (Dick Ginkowksi), talked to me after all these months. Even at the meeting where everyone else could see! He even posted a blog having some fun with the Packers hat I was wearing.
I think 2008 is going to be a great year. I am not running for anything in April. No one is running against me either. I once again have rights to full use of the English language including the word "INFLUENCE" -- I don't even have to pay lawyers to use it either. Everyone except Steinbrink, Serpe, and Allen are being nice to me again. That's all it took.
Dear anonymous from the chicken posting, is this a good start?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
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We say what we, and probably most others, are thinking. Yes, lots of happy talk at meeting. Let's hope they follow through with Clyde's suggestions. It's about time someone had some with this new Board.
The even more amazing thing is RAG chose not to speak at Citizens Comments even though he was the only one to sign-up! Interesting.
In light of the fact that a number of people in our extended community lost their homes less than three hours earlier it did not seem like a good time Monday night to comment further at a time when our thoughts and energies should have been elsewhere.
My issue for the evening was the fact that the board planned to have its next meeting on Martin Luther King, jr. Day, a state holiday. That doesn't seem appropriate but, in light of the somberness of the day, it's an issue that can wait for another time.
Is the 1/21 meeting actually announced. I do realize it's on the 1st and 3rd regular rotation, but that does not mean that the meeting is a sure thing? Does it?
I think it would have been entirely appropriate to ask regardless of the weather crisis earlier in the day.
I imagine the village employees are observing the state holiday, so I agree it would be extra unfair for them to have to show up later in the day for a meeting.
Maybe the agenda should be prepared and then everyone can vote in the affirmative by proxy.
Will there really be any big difference? I say a less than 1% chance.
NOW, about YOUR blog RAG DUJOUR.
I have heard many comments about submitted comments not being posted. Are they all really that distasteful? Or are you just making sure that any contrary opinion to that supportive of village hall gets absolutely no airtime?
Could it be that they are mocking you?
If they are mocking me. Then who is really genuine. If that is the best that they can do, then I certainly can live with it.
I hope your wrong.
I would hope they are not but from the way you said it the thought crossed my mind. It takes a big man to say you can live with it!
Alex, why is it always about you? Can't you believe that no one gives a rip what you do? Crawl back behind your camera.
Dear last anonymous,
I see that you didn't get the 'kinder and gentler 2008' memo. You must not be as much on the inside as you think you are. I am sorry for you.
Now, onto your brilliant addition to this posting. I understand your perspective.
It is unfortunate that I chose to author this blog at all, but it is partly because of people like YOU that I do it.
Once again, you prove that the 'do it our way or else' mindset is alive and well in your circle.
I have no choice but to write from my perspective. This is because it is I that am writing it. If you want a blog that is written from your perspective, then please start one and then you can 'have it your way'. But, please make sure you add postings that are critical of YOURSELF too.
Please do send me a link to your blog and then I can place comments there too. Will you be BIG enough to write things from my perspective? -- I think not.
Finally, as a member of the knuckle-draggers yourself, I find it interesting that you suggest that anybody 'crawl behind their camera' -- that camera thing is REALLY bothering you, isn't it?
I am willing to be open-minded and enlightened. I have been willing to compliment the good things I have seen these past years.
You on the other hand are not willing to do any of the above -- "if I didn't say it, then it must be bad" -- who really is the 'crawler'? Perhaps some tutorials in evolution might be in order?
Apparently, YOU do give a 'rip' about what I do. Please understand that I am NOT asking you to go away, in fact, I hope you stay and continue making your fine (and revealing) additions.
I continue being concerned why you and your friends are not willing to be known, but feel compelled to write anonymously. I won't stop you from being anonymous, but why do you have to hide? Is it because you know that your comments are less than 'nice'?
Probably the same paranoid individual who was waiting outside Village Hall (or worse, an insider) trying to find out who might run against the "chosen one-and-onlys".
"Chosen one-and-onlys"?
Chosen by the voters, pal. That's called democracy. Now we know what you anarchist. Oh, I guess gov't is only right when YOU'RE running it.
Get over yourself, boy-o.
Can't you guys just 'get along'?
I am hoping for a new tone to this blog. I have been on this site many times, but never felt like joining in on the sniping at other bloggers. Maybe there are others like me.
I would like to see thoughtful comments made about Pleasant Prairie issues (other than to tape or not to tape). I am glad the meetings are being taped, as I do think it is necessary. Posturing and facial expressions are as important as what is being said. I am sure you have all heard of body language.
With regard to the "chosen ones", they may have been elected by the voters, but they did not have the disadvantage of a PAC organized to discredit them. Not all voters make informed decisions.
Dear fleeced1,
Thanks for the thoughtful comment. It would be nice if your efforts were followed by others.
I completely agree that the debate over whether to tape or not is over. It is being done, and the village would be well served if this became an internal function (although I continue to be concerned that 'editing' would be done and that in and of itself could be counter-productive -- the tapings should be gavel to gavel with NO room for criticism).
Now onto your idea of covering village topics. I really like it, and already have some ideas of my own, and will use your suggestion as the impetus to do something about it. I also am willing to hear suggestions, so ANYONE is free to make them.
Thanks again for writing and I hope you will find benefit from continuing to be a 'regular'.
Yes, the chosen ones. Maybe if you ever showed up for a meeting, you would have seen Clyde, Monica, Mike P., Steve K. Andrea R., Jean W. huddling in the back after Village Board meetings to discuss startegy (they weren't exactly unnoticeable). Considering how close the elections have been, maybe you should be thinking what is wrong with our GOBs? But you are too small minded to actually "see" anything.
"to discuss strategy"?
How do you know? You said above that they don't speak to you, so did you spy on them and listen in to their conversation? Or is your paranoia showing through?
Could they have been talking about the Packers, or about New Year's Eve, or about the weather?
See, once again, your ego shows through...assuming that they're plotting and scheming against you. How could they ignore you and talk about something else that's not so important? Hmmm?
You've got to get the people straight - pleasantprairiewi is Alex, rag is Ginkowski and village people is Rennart.
One sitting quietly in the small auditorium can hear everything. Yes, they gather at Village Hall after a Board meeting to talk about the New Year's eve, the weather and the Packers!! Who's the delusional one?
Yes, there will always be those who just can't accept that their village is not perfect. I know what I saw and heard and if you can't accept it, I don't really care. Ego issues? From your comments it isn't ego, it's pride. Plotting against me? Why? If they do no wrong, what have they to worry about? I'm not the egomaniac paranoid one.
Easy to remember who's who.
Just like the cell phone commercial:
Whoa Nelli!
This is turning into a hum-dinger...
Okay, folks, it looks like a lot of your didn't get the memo on "a kinder and gentler" 2008.
I'm kind of glad some clarification has occured.
I, Alex Tiahnybok, am PleasantPrairieWI.
From the best of my knowledge, Mike Renner, is Village People. That's Renner, not Rennart like some uninformed seem to only be capable of.
And last but not anonymous least, Asst. DA Dick Ginkowski is RAG.
If you don't like these blogs -- GET YOUR OWN, but please be sure to let us know how to find you.
Now, I know why I switched my cell phone service to AT&T.
I thought I lived in Pleasant Prairie, but it appears it might actually be TiahnyLauerRenneMatson.
Kind of like it. Good idea.
I suppose that means that the current village board is
SteinieYuhaAllaSerpeKumork? Even better!
Seriously, per fleeced1's recommendation why don't we stop wasting all these creative fuel and really hash around some REAL village issues. Like I said, I have some in mind already. I am always willing to hear some more also, and finally mental lapses like NO COMPRENDE Allen will give us a cherry.
I prefer Yuhallensteinbrinkumorserpollo.
Here some issues: Retention ponds are supposed to settle suspended solids but the muskrats stir up the bottoms and dig into the banks, weakening the structures. Just look at all the muskrat mounds in the pond along Hwy165 in Village Green.
In addition, the City of Lansing, Michigan put in place the Tollgate wetlands project that uses natural and man-made features to help with run-off and pretreatment. Site has walking paths, natural woods, bird areas and utilized golf course ponds smack dab in the city. Would something like this be amenable to new propoased Downtown area or Abbott?
Based on the way KUSD is spending money, and the proposed location of the new High School, perhaps it would be best for Pl. Pr. to create our own PPUSD. Bite the bullet now before the 12000 Abbott people and Uline, plus wahtever else will be here within the next 20 years, move here to live. We already pay 30% or more of the budget but only contribute 15% of the kids.
Why doesn't Village set-up a system to e-mail the links to various sites? For example, Police Daily Incident Logs to HOA Boards, Neighborhood watch groups and interested citizens?
Just some thoughts.
Yah! Real issues!
How about that dumb idea to put in traffic circles on Hwy 165? How dumb is that? We're the taxpayers...why can't we just get good old traffic lights put in?
Alex: How about a new post for each of these issues? Then we can put our comments under the appropriate post and keep them semi-organized.
Village wants traffic circles because developers and State will be paying the bills for installation. Best forget about that one as it is a done deal in their eyes. Besides, they'll just claim it is out of there control.
So what's wrong with developers paying for traffic signals instead?
At the Village PC and VB meetings, where this issue was discussed and presented by WisDOT, every PC member and VB member was excited about traffic circles, as existing lights where these circles are proposed already have issues. Lights stop traffic whereas traffic circles allow traffic to keep moving and are safer for pedestrains (Their words, not mine). Smarter lights that can detect traffic in all directions might be just as effective without needing more land and cheaper.
Thanks for the answer on traffic circles. I wonder what will happen to "keep traffic moving" when there's a fender-bender inside the circle. In New England, traffic grinds to a halt.
Supposedly, there are less accidents and those that do occur are of less severity.
SAME OLD ALEX - You wrote this today!
Village Board 1/21/2008 1 Videos
Village Board meeting 1/21/2008
More Plan Commission recommendations. This one of particular note as this IS the land that Village President John Steinbrink owned, and sold for $2.6 MILLION. Particularly troubling to adjacent residential owners who bought and developed their land on the basis of the village's COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. This was changed in 2003 to facilitate the conversion to MANUFACTURING from RESIDENTIAL. Considering the land is adjacent to LAKEVIEW, this move made that land MUCH MORE VALUABLE than before.
NOTE: The meeting was started off with lengthy clip off of YOUTUBE. As this was Martin Luther King day, and combined with the fact that the village did NOT observe such, the meeting was kicked off with a tribute to him. I have inserted the complete video shown as a separate item, but in order as shown in the meeting. The version shown off a laptop at village hall demonstrated lack of preparation and rehearsal as the clip shown was barely audible and had technical difficulties in terms of realtime download off YOUTUBE.
(COME ON I.T. Department -- with all the taxpayer money you are spending -- you can do better than THAT).
I don't get it. What is wrong with what I wrote?
Are you of the opinion that the only way to get along is to be a lock-step psychophant, or is it okay to have an independent thought? (You should try it someday!)
I simply stated the fact that the MLK video was shown and that the quality stunk.
I also drew attention to the FACT again that this is the land that Steinbrink 'owned'.
Tell me what is materially wrong? Not what you 'don't like', but that which is wrong.
Perhaps it will then be corrected.
This is more than anyone in your camp would ever be willing to do.
" Bite the bullet now before the 12000 Abbott wahtever else will be here within the next 20 years, move here to live."
There is an interesting thing to note about this comment. It follows the meme that 12,000 Abbott jobs are coming to Pleasant Prairie. But eventually, it will have to come to light that these jobs are not coming to PP. And then there will be some 'splaining to do.
But until then, the facade will be in place.
Alex, the real problem here is that you constantly whine about a Steinbrink land transaction that is old news, and that was completely on the up-and-up. You continually imply that it was illegal or unethical -- both of which are a slander on Steinbrink.
So from now on, every time you mention "the land deal", I'll mention "the No-Permit Deal"...the fact that you finished your house without the proper building permits. Oh, you can 'splain that you went and got the permits after the fact, sure. But the fact remains that you did something wrong -- which is more than you can prove about Steinbrink. If you can't even follow the rules, why should we listen to your bitching and moaning about others, especially when they FOLLOW the rules?
Now who's the unethical one?
The word is Libel, not slander.
any false and malicious written or printed statement, or any sign, picture, or effigy, tending to expose a person to public ridicule, hatred, or contempt or to injure a person's reputation in any way.
I guess the KOPS, CHIPS, and such PACs, and their backers, were real ethical too and did everything legally? Ya, right.
Doing something legally doesn't exempt it from being unethical.
Alex, you need to write a new blog. Just look what happened with mine when I wrote one word--Dammit! when the Packers lost. Doesn't seem to matter what we write, these folks will find something wrong; and they say we are the negative ones!
Excuse me but could someone please enlighten me about the non-permit deal. This is the first time for that one that I have noticed or did I miss something?
You didn't miss anything. Just a misunderstanding, like Steinbrink's.
" But the fact remains that you did something wrong -- which is more than you can prove about Steinbrink"
OK, so maybe Alex cannot prove that the Tub of Goo's land deal was dubious. So then, let's stick with a fact that cannot be denied: Steinbrink has at least 60 lbs of impacted feces in his colon at any one time. That's a fact.
And if you consider Pollocoff in the mix, whose knows what the total poundage would be? I've seen Tub of Goo Part Deux trying to shed the pounds at the Recplex and had the unfortunate luck of seeing him exit the Sauna. It's not a pretty sight and I think I puked in my mouth, just a little.
Will one of the Pro-Steinbrink or Pro-RollePolle folks on this board please tell Mikey that working out only is successful if you get your heart rate up to 60% efficiency for 20 minutes or more AND you have to do it 4-5 times a week? I mean really, at least I give Steiny boy credit, he's proud to stay fat!
I also love how shady land deals rise to the same levels as not having building permits.
The whole permit thing is a scam. Want to grade your land? Why, you need a permit. And an environmental impact study. I mean really, did you think you actually OWNED that land? Are you that naive?
Permits are like speeding tickets, it's the only way for government to raise its revenues other than hiking taxes.
So I want to know, since the news just came out that median home values have dropped for the first time in 40 years, will my tax assessment go down? I bet the village idiot doing the assessment will think not. I mean really, he's been doing this for years. Do you actually question his knowledge?
And the crazy thing is, nitwits actually put these clowns in office.....
Well, "snakesinmyplane", I guess you have seen me too. I am very overweight, out of shape, a diabetic with severe arthritis and am on heart medication.
I would sumise that you make fun of me too. It's ok we can't all be perfect like you, but I know some of us will have a perfect life in heaven. How about you?
Maybe you are Alex under a different name???
He's already said home values went up 2.5% in the area in the Kenosha News seven questions he was featured in. So get ready for an increase in your assessment.
I agree about the permits. I would say 10% at most get them and most have refinished basements in my area without them (who's desk do permits cross first--assessors!). What I want to know is how did Village find out other than through some political shenanigans?
Here are the facts:
Alex, while serving as a village elected official did some MAJOR remodeling of his house to add bedrooms, etc. Alex, failed to get permits as to avoid permit fees and visits from the inspector and assessor. He felt as an elected village official he was above everyone else and didn't want to pay his fair share of permit fees and taxes. When a complaint was issued Alex was questioned and he would not let the inspector or assessor in his home. Finally had to secure the proper permits because he had been caught doing illegal renovations.
He is still made about the fact that he got caught and now his assessment is in line with what it should be. He was trying to cheat the rest of the taxpayers of the village so they would pay a higher share to make up for his illegal activity. What a nice representation he was for the village his children should be proud of their criminal dad.
OK, Anonymous, and when I say Anonymous I mean the wimpy guy with the sob story. First, how about getting a clue and at least making up a nickname? That way, I don't mistake the idiot (you) from others.
So you have arthritis and a heart condition. Boo hoo. My wife had cancer, she didn't curl up in a ball and stop working out. get this: she also actually watches what she eats! Imagine that! I'm sure none of your issues are due to any "lifestyle" choices, but please get over the sanctimonious BS.
As for this being Alex, sorry to disappoint. Sure, I did vote for Alex and I'd do it again if he was the only choice against the Tub of Goo. I'd recommend to him that he stick to a single topic like TAX RELIEF and possible not run ads that make 187 different points, such as the ones that ran in the Sun. The best way to turn off the electorate is to give them a headache.
As for your perfect life in heaven, I am happy that you're a clairvoyant. As for me, I'll let Christ make the decision, 'cause it ain't mine.
I'd say even without the higher assessment, Alex pays a lot more in taxes than pretty much anyone else in PP, including the fearless leader whose property is significantly larger with 4488 sq ft house (2005) on 35.16 acres (assessed at $521,600--2007 taxes $8429.24) versus 4744 sq ft house (2000) on 0.55 acres (assessed at $1,265,200--2007 taxes $20568.06). Interesting indeed.
" He was trying to cheat the rest of the taxpayers of the village so they would pay a higher share to make up for his illegal activity."
The fact that he was a current village official flaunting the "law" may actually hold water. Alex should have done more to eliminate idiotic permits first.
But being the clown that you are, you then move on to the "rest of the taxpayers paying a higher share" argument, which exposes you for the fool that you are. The bottom line is that Alex pays TOO MUCH in taxes right now but because he's a successful, self-made man who didn't have the luxury of selling $2 million in a land deal, somehow he's the bad guy.
The real problem is that jags like you and others in WI buy into the class warfare garbage. Eventually, we will become a smaller version of MI, with companies fleeing in droves (HD will be next) to tax-friendly states. People like you will then wonder where the hell everyone went. But hey, what do you care as long as your medical bills are paid for you off the backs of working people. I cannot wait to see that canard crumble in the next 20 years.
Oh, I forgot. Abbott's coming here with 12,00 jobs. Send me a memo when that happens.
What's the big deal? Why should assessments go up because you improved your house? If you go out and put a million dollars worth of furniture in your house, your assessment doesn't change. Stocks go up and down but you don't pay taxes (or write off losses) until you sell. Should Steinbrink pay more because his land 'could be' sold to a developer or to Abbott? Will his assessment increase now that water and sewer have been extended along his properties? I doubt it. The double standard just pisses people off just like the CWU fees.
Heee's baaack! And I thought they finally sent the Village Idiot away!
Last Anonymous,
It is clear that you like to call others names like 'morons' and 'idiots'. That is a nice touch. But if, in fact, that is true (which it isn't), aren't you ONE of the 'readers' and 'responders' too? As I said before, welcome to the party pal!
I was away in Vegas for a trade show, and intentionally left my computer behind. I, too, did notice a bit of silence from the vociferous one (euphemism for 'big mouth'). But I too see that he/she is back. Your were missed, and keep them coming......
I think you got this all wrong, my friend. You must think I am some kind of pablum puking Democrat.
But, I appreciate the compliment anyway.
Apparently you see me as some kind of 'man of the people' which makes you and your kind 'not'?
I actually appreciate that label, but at the same time how can I be "the money grubbing guy who lives on the lake in his million dollar house expecting somebody else to pay my taxes".
Stick to words like 'the' and 'guy', and 'who', and 'tries', and 'to', and 'sound', and 'smart', and 'but', and finally 'isn't'.....
Dear snakesinmyplane,
Thanks for your comments. I even more appreciate your willingness to have an nickname.
Makes it easy to write back to you specifically even without knowing who you REALLY are.
Well anyway. I appreciate many of the things you have said.
Unfortunately in this 'got ya' world of political correctness and nasty politics, one has to be careful (including me -- I should follow my advice more often).
I understand your anger towards those individuals that think they are 'holier than thou'. I often find that the 'pot does call the kettle black'.
Ease up on the direct shots if you can as your message content is SPOT ON, but perhaps gets lost in some of the aggressive verbage. I think its important to some to see how much anger is out there, and that everyone is not HAPPY as some would like to think they are.
Fact remains that in multiple rounds of local elections the winners have been by small margins, AND with the nasty approach they took to win, you can only imagine the damage left behind.
To set the record straight (as the anonymous INSIDER who can't get the facts right showed), here is the final rundown on my famous basement.
I will comment on what I think was intentionally mistated (again by someone who 'knows too much not to be an insider' -- sad as it is...)
NO COMPLAINTS were filed against me as suggested. I DID NOT obstruct any effort by the assessors office to visit my property as suggested. Unless someone was not being straight with me, I was enjoying a visit by the assessors office as my home continues NOT TO BE 100% finished since I moved in Sept 2001 -- I simply ran out of money. Since obtaining occupancy in Sept 2001, I over the 4 or so years, intermittently put up some drywall over existing framing, and did some finishing work like painting, lighting fixtures, etc.
When the assessors office visited, I (surprisingly assessor does not equal inspection) was notified by the building inspection office that I needed to have a permit to cover such work. Jeff Sorensen (supervisor of that department) asked me to clean this matter up via a permit, and I did so without resistance.
This matter is apparently the BEST STUFF you have. I can live with this, can you?
Anonymous, be careful with your 'Gestapo' approach as it might someday come back to bite you back. AND please stop hiding, let us know who you are so that every element of your life can be examined too. How squeaky are you?
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