Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The last comment on my post below asked that we change course and start a posting on PP schools.
Well, I was way ahead of your idea in late January. I have refreshed this posting and brought it to front burner.
So here you have it. At yesterday's village board meeting this topic was brought up again. What say YOU???????????????

Pleasant Prairie School District #1 -- has a nice ring to it??

Well, as you can imagine, I have a lot to say.

But, before tarnishing open discussion with my ideas, I would like to hear from you on the following:

1) Idea -- good or bad?
2) Financial implications (exit and start up costs)?
3) History of how and why the village joined Kenosha Unified?
4) Is Pleasant Prairie getting its FAIR SHARE based on taxes going to KUSD?



Village People said...

Good idea but would cost $100 Million up front to exit as we would have to buy all the schools in PP and probably another $20 Million in satrt up costs (maybe we could TIF them as it doesn't seem like an issue for PP to find millions of dollars!). Joining made sense at the time for financial reasons but we don't get our fair share back. Need new High School and Middle School in Pleasant Prairie where all the future growth is and will be (and northside of Kenosha too). KUSD District is too big and poorly managed. Need more local control.

RAG said...

I'm open to the idea and would like to see a study of the costs vs. benefits plus the impact to the entire district.

Village People said...

The Milwaukee Journal article about financing at KUSD, pointed out that the derivatives used by KUSD require someone who is extrememly knowledgeable about these types of financing. I just don't see that at KUSD and not sure if any new school district could also handle such exotic and/or esoteric finacial vehicles. Would we have to take on responsibilty for these derivatives and unified pensions? If so, then I don't see how we could separate (but I would still like to see a detailed discussion).

Anonymous said...

There are always ways. Nick Alioto was a more than competent business manager for KUSD, but Pierce and Johnson were brutal supers. Oh well...now look at the mess the district could be in. What about joining the county schools? Could be another alternative.

I am sure there are substantial costs involved, but an obvious portion would be offset by taxes allocated to KUSD.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

I have talked about this for years. Two of the current board members have told me splitting from KUSD is impossible. One board member I talked to is open to the idea. I suggested to one of the board members who was against the idea that we at least form a committee to explore the viability of a split. He agreed to get that started, but I never heard about it again from him. This was about six months ago. Also, this is one of the areas where I believe there is a major conflict of interest in Steinbrink holding the office of village president and state representative. There would be major resistance from people in Kenosha some of whom are in Steinbrink's district 26.

This blog ties in nicely with the last at least regarding developers being skeptical. There is a direct correlation to quality of schools and property values. Developers would be overjoyed to see Pleasant Prairie separate from Kenosha. If you look at greatschools.net you will see that Kenosha is graded a 4 out of 10 for schools. Bristol is rated 7 out of 10. If in the next 20 years Abbott builds out their property and Uline does the same there should be a major housing boom in Kenosha County. I believe many of these new residents to the county will be choosing to live in Bristol rather than Pleasant Prairie for investment value and/or better schools. I believe that separating from KUSD would have a larger positive impact than anything else the village ever does. If not now when? The longer we wait the more costly this will become.

Unfortunately, I don't know how this can happen while Steinbrink is our village president. There is no way he can endorse or initiate a move that would have such a negative impact on his constituents from Kenosha.

Village People said...

Where's anonymous? They asked for a new blog.

RAG said...

This would be a real project for the School Commission.

Anonymous said...

I would think you'd need an actuary for benefits/costing, as well as someone who's been involved in administration. I think it's perfect for the school commission, but don't know the necessary people are available/willing to help.

PleasantPrairieWI said...


Thanks for the comment. Interesting, where have all the anonymi gone? Just proof that they are a bunch of empty shells that are able to attack only and have no constructive value.

When I was a Trustee, a woman named Marina Pennington (I believe this is correct spelling) came to a board meeting and read a letter passionately asking for this to be considered.

As Steve K is a current Trustee and also still (I think) the chairman of the School Commission. I think he would be a good starting point for further studying this matter.

The idea was shrugged off back then as being TOO EXPENSIVE TO DO. I repeatedly asked for substantiation on this matter, and the request was never followed through on.

SK claims/claimed that he has the data that results in something like a $20 million dollar liability to PP if we were to do so.

Kind of makes one wonder, who in their infinite wisdom signed an agreement SO INCREDIBLY damaging to any party (PP in this case) who might want to terminate? Was this a 'cost saving' decision made back in the early days of PP?

Kind of reminds of a nautical story in which a barnacle attaches itself to the bottom of a ship and says to the other barnacle, "we're sailing!"

As you know my presence on the board was not appreciate, and nearly every question I had was answered with either absolute minimum feedback or frequently incomplete feedback (even more precarious).

As a MEMBER fo the 'in crowd', maybe you can ask for this background info and data??

Anonymous said...


I dont think I constitute any portion of the "in crowd". I am just attempting to get more involved, and with my children's future comes more responsibility. I am looking forward to helping in all aspects of the Village, schools being crucial to it's growth.

Not sure about the costs, but I will attempt to find the right people to ask.

BTW, Germantown contact given to me by Bob hasn't returned either email regarding Time Warner grant.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

I don't know what the actual numbers to split are either, but it seems to me each year we stay we are throwing our good money after their bad. At some point every investment has to be evaluated and if necessary, losses must be cut. There are two investments we are actually talking about here. One is an investment in our children which some without children may say doesn't affect them. The other is an investment in our property values. I have chosen to start sending my kids to private schools. The money I spend will only be an investment in them. If I had the option to send them to better schools, for a cost, in PP my investment in them would also benefit me down the road financially. GOOD SCHOOLS = HIGHER PROPERTY VALUES

PleasantPrairieWI said...


I apologize if you took offense to be labeled part of the 'in crowd'.

You have successfully been appointed to the visitors/tourism position to represent village interests/perspective, AND that makes you differently positioned at a minimum.

Both Jeff Lauer and I were Trustees and served on commissions too. I was on Parks and Jeff was on Schools. We were both EJECTED as quickly as possible after our terms were over. NO discussion on whether we WANTED to continue, or anything. Our opinions were not longer desired.

So, I do admire your desire to be involved and I do agree that this is an area that IS worthy of analysis. Please keep readers of this blog informed on what you learn.


Village People said...

John, you keep blogging on our web pages and you definitely won't be in the 'in crowd'! :-)

Anonymous said...

Offending me is next to impossible. I know I may come off as a "yes man" because I think many things done by the Village are done well. That being said, I don't ever say there can't isn't room for improvement.

This following may come off as indulgent, or seem I am blowing sunshine where it doesn't belong, but it's honestly my (possibly naive) opinion. I also don't want it to seem critical, but it may be and I apologize in advance.

I am of the opinion that you get more flies with sugar. It seems (and I am without the history) the people here on your (and Mike's) blog who leave their names, are "glass is half empty". I know I am not going to change the world, but I am still hoping for some positivity. And no, "I am POSITIVE the Village government stinks!" doesn't count. :)

I also think you and Mike waste your time on negative things. I also feel you are both too intelligent to do so. It would be nice to televise the meetings, but who really cares? Truth be told, not enough people (as shown by elections). As a group, more could be done by applying for the commission seats and giving forward thinking to ALL facets of the Village (not just board and plan meetings).

Again, I have only followed Village happenings for a brief time. Most of which came after the tension started between yourselves and the current administration. To quote my grandma Dolly, "It's a shame." i see "both sides" negativity, and it makes things that much harder.

Sorry, off the soapbox now. Carry on. (as if you weren't going to)

Village People said...

Tried the honey approach and the bears took it told us to get lost.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

John and Mike,

Thanks for your comments.

John, I was treated like the anti-Christ from even before I took office. Just the simple fact, that in 2005, I decided to run against an incumbent trustee pushed things over the edge (apparently irretreivaby). HOW DARE HE -- The incumbent even has a street hamed after him!?

Instead of letting things 'settle' in, the good ole boys decided that they needed to protect Mr. Pollocoff from a MINORITY of the board, so they hiked his salary AND increased his severance payout to 3 years. I fought this idea as I think it is beyond anything reasonable (and comparable) and put the village taxpayer in an awful position in terms of facing a $315,000 payout should that ever have occurred - FOR ANY REASON.

I think Mr. Pollocoff is a talented and capable man, but he SHOWED his loyalty was entirely in one camp. IF a new majority was to exist, and he AS ADMINISTRATOR CHOSE to behave and act contrarily to the new majority, SHOULD he have IMMUNITY? He has shown his lack of impartiality many times.

This is how it started and EVERY ATTEMPT along the way to mend fences was scorned, AND every chance to ATTACK was used by them.

I was accused of being anti-police, anti-public works, anti-fire department, anti-garbage trucks, you name it..... If it wouldn't have sounded ridiculous, they would have accused me of wanting to dig up all the streets! I was even accused of orchestrating some back room deal with WE Energies to help them avoid installing fire suppresion at the power plant.

The record will reflect that every statement I made was guided by my reason for running in 2005 -- savings for taxpayers.

Unfortunately, every time I did what I said I was going to do, THEY thought it was an attack. Perhaps from their perspective it was, but last time I checked it was "a government of the people and by the people", not "a people of the government, and for the government".

Now, how about that honey idea?

Anonymous said...

Are you the anti-christ?? LOL

As I said, my history with the village is much shorter that both of yours.

Nonetheless, the tiny land project I am a partner in has become difficult to say the least. If a village resident says "boo", the Village investigates the ghosts(costing my partners and I time and money).

I am still gonna do what I can to try and help the Village. I will still hope and try to persuade those on these blogs will attempt to help in the positivity.

Thanks again for the venues and efforts.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...


There is a lot of history you're probably not aware of. I hope you never get a taste of it.


Before we get too off track here I would like to hear your ideas about the school situation.

Village People said...

I published same on Rag's blog:

Create a school district:

School Governance Topic Menu

New Law Establishing Procedures To Create a New School District (1997 Wisconsin Act 286). Information Memorandum 98-16.

Public School District Reorganization Homepage

Public School District Reorganization-Evaluation Criteria for School District Reorganization

How has separation been done before? Here's some that are also thinking of same although not for same reasons:



RAG said...

Thanks, Mike. I don't have the final answer BUT this idea is worthy of serious study. The KUSD fiscal mess is enough to take this from a brainstorm to something that warrants a blue-ribbon review.

I don't know about y'all but something seems hinky about a public entity borrowing money to play around with risky investments. (Heck, they could have bought some of the village's bonds!)

Anonymous said...


I am well aware of my not knowing all the history. I even stated as much: "Again, I have only followed Village happenings for a brief time. Most of which came after the tension started between yourselves and the current administration." You should also note I didn't cast blame either. The adage "it takes two to tango" works perfectly here.

That being said, I think I'm dealing with intelligent people (most of the people on these blogs) and I want to work with them for the betterment of the Village. Do we necessarily agree on everything? No. Do we necessarily have to? I would hope not.

I will also continue to blog here, in an attempt to glean information and knowledge from others who care for the Village and it's future. If Mike's correct, I am apparently out of the "in crowd" and ok with all of it!

RAG said...


Where we've been fortunate is that so far this is an issue in which folks who otherwise have a tendency to disagree with each other appear to be at least united in the thought that the independent school district is an idea worth a closer look.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the villiage explore the possibilities of a study looking into the costs and beneifts (both short term and long term) of a village school district.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Dear New Neighbor,
Welcome to our virtual neighborhood! This topic has popped again, and this time I really think the citizens deserve a complete understanding of the environment we are in.
A lot of posturing has occured as to how prohibitively expensive this would be, but I personally have seen little substance.
The village has 2 forums where this can and NOW should be reviewed in DETAIL -- It should start at the SCHOOL COMMISSION and the school commission should forward it's findings to the VILLAGE BOARD. Both of these bodies members are reachable via the village website.
I encourage you to make your desire known to all members of the above bodies.
Thanks and hope to hear more from you,

Anonymous said...


Bloggers on ther blogs seem to disagree with contacting people concerned with the issue.

I seriously wonder why.


PleasantPrairieWI said...

New Neighbor,
Can you please explain your comments more clearly as they are subject to multiple interpretations.

Anonymous said...

There seems to have been a mix-up on another blog.

Your comment about contacting the School Commission and VB seemed to relate at the time.

But now that the issue has been cleared up (a reaction to a mis-leading headline) then in hind-sight it doesn't relate at all.

I should have held back on my cross pollination between blogs.

I hope all bloggers will please accept my apology.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

New Neighbor,
Thanks for that.
Frankly, I didn't know HOW to react so I was hoping for clarity.
Hope you keep checking in.

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