Wednesday, March 5, 2008

CNN or CH25 Pleasant Prairie population approx 19,000?

Okay folks, here it is.

This last Monday, March 3, about 1 hour of Board Meeting time was taken up re-hashing the DEAD ON ARRIVAL "TO VIDEO or NOT TO VIDEO -- THAT IS THE QUESTION".

Before I share details of the meeting, I will restate the IDEA that I have had all along:

1) This CAN BE done rather simply -- ONE CAMCORDER on a rolling tripod can effectively capture the proceedings. This IS currently being done on YOUTUBE without the use of a tripod, and without the use of any assistance with audio. The current effort has been purposely AS LEAST OBTRUSIVE AS POSSIBLE in order not to enable anyone to claim that the effort is DISRUPTIVE. The current product is downgraded in quality in order to be YOUTUBE compatible -- raw DV quality would keep video at desired level. Audio could easily and very inexpensively be improved by use of remote microphones.

2) This raw video can easily be uploaded from the ONE CAMCORDER to a PC with installed editing software. I use Pinnacle Studio 11. This software has capabilities that I haven't even explored yet. The enhanced video can then be BURNED TO A DVD for transportability and storage reasons, OR could be left in DV-AVI mode for insertion into the CH25 stream.

This is NOT a $26000 project.

The following are 'scenes' from the debate on Monday night. FYI-EVERY BIT OF DISCUSSION ON this topic is INCLUDED. NOTHING IS LEFT OUT for any reason (except maybe 10 seconds lost when I was changing tapes).


First clip:

--Citizen activist Bob Babcock is first seen as he AGAIN explains his desire to see this happen. He went as far as communicating with the LT GOV's office, and was told that the LT GOV highly supports transparency and is not opposed to videotaping. Bob also brought up for the second time his idea on how KUSD students could be involved in this for a whole bunch of reasons.

--Next came nay-sayer Dick Ginkowski who claims to be all for it, but gives every reason in the book as to why it's not a good idea.

--Next came Bob Babcock Jr. -- Bob has been watching his dad's involvement and if picking up his own set of expectations. He too asks for more openness.


Next clip:

-- I spoke next about my perspective on this. Covered funding issues. Highlighted nature of CH25 today, etc. I took exception with nay-sayer Ginkowski's suggestion that this MUST be LIVE (and MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE). Why live? If someone is aware of an issue and can make the time to watch it LIVE, then why not just come to the meeting. Recording allows for a citizen that happens on Tuesday morning to read about the meeting to watch it lets say at 9pm on Wed and/or 10am on Friday. In plenty of time to react before the next meeting. The VERBATIM minutes as currently available essentially always come much too late to act on anything. I have nothing against LIVE, but to use it as an excuse not to do the right thing is shameful. See for yourself.

--Next the Board voted to move Agenda Item K up to in order to allow for IT Manager Ruth Otto to head home since she was ill.

--Next Mike Pollocoff begins his explanation on what is required to bring video to constituents.


IS THIS CNN ATLANTA or CH25 PLEASANT PRAIRIE: Wait until you see what is estimated as being necessary in order to do this. I will agree 100% that my rather conservative method could be FANCIER with more hardware, etc, but first objection I have is that MOST OF EVERYTHING SHOWN is really NOT particularly required to make the video idea work -- its 'needed' to take VILLAGE HALL out of the stone age. Better microphones, a video screen, a ceiling mounted projector, a desk, trip hazard cabling picked up off the floor, and power upgrades are not REQUIRED in order to get the job done, NICE, but not required. These improvements make the whole environment more professional. Today, we get to see a video projector shine an image on concrete blocks painted white. Do we really need audio gates and compressors? Nice again, but not necessary. Wolf Blitzer might want to work here!

This next clip shows the explanation of what is NEEDED (described above):

--$3000 for microphones -- is this Rush Limbaugh's golden microphone?

--$1000 for audio gates and compressors - Wolf is that you?

--$750 for an MP3 recorder -- maybe a trip to the Sony Outlet is in order!

--Projector ($600)/Screen ($1600) and hardware ($150): Sound reasonable, but are these things necessary to record meetings?

--Video recording equipment ($11300): 3 cameras and remote control. Again, I am not saying this is BAD, but it is NOT NECESSARY TO GET THE JOB DONE -- they just don't want to do it.

--Storage: $130 not $1300, but still too much. These videos can be archived on DVD. Sony Outlet calling again. OR can be stored on some of that fancy hardware we keep spending thousands of dollars. Take a look at the budget and see how much IT spending is going on in this village of 19,000 people. Give me a break.

--Video (capture device $5600): Apparently the RecPlex already has a TRICASTER PRO ($8000) -- I wonder if dues paying members at RecPlex know that their money is being spent on Tricasters instead of buying new equipment like stationary bikes, elliptical machines, and new basketballs for the Michael R. Pollocoff Fieldhouse. So the recommendation stands at a meager $5600 as a replacement/addition to the TRICASTER PRO $8000 model. THESE ARE THINGS WE ALREADY OWN!!!!! Next time somebody says anything about my ideas being too expensive --- EXPLAIN THE $8000 TRICASTER PRO. Oh, by the way, another $480 is needed to buy a monitor so that the technician can see what he/she is doing.

--Furniture: $500 for a desk. What we don't already have a desk? I bet there is a storage room either in Village Hall or at RecPlex with desks piled high and deep.

--Monitors for the Village Board ($900): Well, since the new $1600 plus hardware 108" x 108" screen will be behind the backs of the board members, we wouldn't want them to have to turn around! Might get a kink in that neck? Don't the chairs swivel? I am not against $900 to improve the stone age facility, but DON'T claim it's the fault of trying to videotape these meetings for the public to see!

LIVE!!: Give me a break. $6-8000 estimated to get to Roger Prange center -- by the way that's where CH25 is 'produced'. I'm so glad to know that as I always thought it was at the RecPlex. The internet connection would cost $4200/month to get it on the website too. And the multimedia server would cost $15000!. When we become ATLANTA or Kenosha, we can consider this, but for now Dick Ginkowski let's forget LIVE. $4200/month for internet connection! Maybe we do need some cable competition.

Word has it that the IT department addressed HIGH DEFINITION, but wrote that off as beyond current capabilities even of Time Warner. Lets get past YOUTUBE first and then we can talk HD.

By the way, I am in favor of every commission and board that works for the citizens of Pleasant Prairie to be included in the videotaping effort. CH25 can finally be the source of info citizens deserve --frankly I am tired of snowplowing, sewer cams, village contact info, and Kenosha County Board meetings. I WANT MY VPPTV!


Next clip:

--Mike Pollocoff puts things in 'perspective'. This clip shows the 2008 Budget expenditures and PROVES why CH25 enhancement is not in the budget. All I can say is look at the budget capital improvements on the village website. Interesting array of items recommended and not recommended. I keep hearing an argument about how many people get CH25? Well, how many people as a % of our population use the North Ball Field at Prairie Springs at $208,000 for power and lights.

--Second part of this clip is where Mike Pollocoff refutes Bob Babcocks suggestion that KUSD students be enlisted to assist with this effort. School Board Member Eric Olson according to Bob Babcock during citizen comments seems to think its a good idea. Middleton, WI does just that, but it's JUST NOT QUITE TIDY AND GOOD ENOUGH FOR PLEASANT PRAIRIE - is it?


Next clip:

--Mike Pollocoff explains usage of CH25 resources and who and hows its used, AND who pays for it. Interesting that he brought up that over HALF of CH25 usage is for "EXTERNAL BILLABLE" uses such as "ads", etc. Where is the EXTERNAL BILLABLE REVENUE going? I sure hope that it is going to pay for the operations of our CH25 effort, and if it makes a profit, shouldn't it go to offset the taxpayer portion of the funding? Hmm?


Next clip:

Trustee#1 Monica Yuhas chimes in and indicates that SHE asked Mike Pollocoff to review this. She indicates that the village is taking steps to get things moving. I appreciate her willingness to talk with citizens and reveal the board video is desired, but she stops short stating that budget constraints need to be recognized. I agree that they do and as presented at $26000+ this is NOT more important than most budget items, but in the form I am suggesting this can easily be done. AGAIN, THANK YOU MONICA FOR BEING OPEN-MINDED. YOU ARE ACTUALLY THE ONLY TRUSTEE THAT HAS SAID ANYTHING ABOUT TALKING WITH CONSTITUENTS (you are even willing to acknowledge the opinions of folks like Bob Babcock) -- ALL OTHERS DIVINE THEIR OPINIONS.


Next clip:

--Trustee #4 Serpe first says he is not against being against -- sounds remotely familiar to anyone. I made a comment during citizens comments about a studio for CH25. He claims there is no studio except for a 'green board'. Well the current INSIGHTS show running on CH25 shows a Boy Scout pack being shown around the village and while at it they stopped in the Roger Prange building in which there is a room that sure looks like a studio with a 'green screen' background for super-imposing graphics -- so I guess were both right. He then brings up other budget items that were foregone in favor of existing approved budget items. He took time to explain how in the case of Kenosha County Sheriff's Dept and also in the Kenosha PD IN (squad) CAR CAMS are VERY IMPORTANT for "officer safety". So, why in all the budget discussions did this NOT get approved. As a taxpayer, I would be willing to pay the extra $10/year to provide for this. How did he rationalize this $55,925 item out? Are REPLACEMENT servers at $16000 more important? Is a mower at $42000 more important? Are lights at a BALLFIELD at $208,000 more important? I could name others, but I think you get the point. I think Serpe should be ashamed of continually using public safety as a tool when it serves his purpose. Getting the in car camera should have been priority #1, and not behind a mower.


Next clip:

--Trustee#3 Allen chimes in. States taxes too high so raising taxes not a good idea. Cut services would be another idea. Or gut current budget to raise necessary funds like radios and squad cars -- not good ideas either. USES SQUAD CAR CAM argument like Serpe did. Did he also fight as hard for squad cams as Serpe did? Apparently he thinks replacing servers is more important. Agrees that residents deserve this. Finally criticizes why this is being brought up again. I suppose he didn't hear Trustee Yuhas state that SHE brought this up because she thought it was important. Trustee Allen are you saying Monica is wrong? I think his comments were directed at folks like the Babcocks and me, but we really didn't ask for this.


Next clip:

-- Village Administrator Pollocoff apparently doesn't like what he is hearing so he jumps in front of elected Trustee Steve Kumorkiewicz. Robert's Rules of Order in practice? I thought the only individuals who had the right to the floor (except during citizens comments) were ELECTED TRUSTEES. He for some reason starts to justify the existence of CH25 and its technician. I don't think anyone was questioning that, but he still felt like he had to justfy it. I sure am glad those dollars that come from providing commercial advertising, and surveillance are going to offset those from the lost 1% franchise fee?


Next clip:

--Monica Yuhas for VILLAGE PRESIDENT 2009. I would vote for her. She again states that SHE asked for this report, BECAUSE the citizens have the right to know. HOW REFRESHING! It is kind of unfortunate that she felt compelled to have to say anything, but the nature of previous comments made her FEEL like she had to defend her actions and explain that she is not in any way opposed to any public safety spending, but again that this topic needed to be heard.


Next clip:

--After getting stepped on by Pollocoff (and by accident Yuhas also), Trustee #2 Steve Kumorkiewicz gets to TALK! Esteban, what did I ever do to you? You (and Howard Cooley) have been a guest in my home for the 2004 Presidential Debates. You offered your help when I ran for County Board in 2004. You vowed (but didn't) to stay neutral in my race against Tom Terwall in 2005. And then when I got on the board, and actually DID what I was saying I would do (look under every stone for tax savings), you turned vicious. What did I do???? Instead of saying anything actually applicable you AGAIN can ONLY ATTACK. Steve seems to suggest that I AM asking for $26k in spending for videotaping. HELLO OUT THERE -- I am not suggesting anything like that -- it's your LEADER that is doing that and using it as an excuse not to RECOMMEND moving forward. Your comment about you not having cable and therefore not getting CH25 is irrelevant -- IS THIS FOR YOU IN YOUR MIND - now I know why you are against it. Quit being so hostile, and then maybe you can start thinking straight again.


Next clip:

--The Trustee#2 preamble got Trustee#4 going. Mike Serpe decides he is not done, so throws in a couple more gems. I thought because of the marvelous leadership of Pleasant Prairie that nothing can EVER go wrong. NO property sales shown this last week for Pleasant Prairie. Isn't this the place EVERYONE is coming. I sure hope not to be right, but is this kind of explanation the same thing we will be hearing if things elsewhere don't go right. Do I hear a bit of cautiousness? I think I have been talking about RISK MANAGEMENT since I have gotten involved in Pleasant Prairie. Developers asking for extensions on development plans! We shouldn't spend money on special interests? Let's take a look at that 2008 Village Budget again. AND THEN FINALLY HE SEES THE LIGHT -- he calls Mike Pollocoff the "SUPER TRUSTEE" -- smirks and giggles ensue. Kumorkiewicz at the end is heard "agree with you".


Next clip:

--The honorable Village President (and State Assembly Representative) John Steinbrink FINALLY chimes in with his pearls of wisdom. He complains that this is being brought up OVER AND OVER. He exalts the time commitment of Mike Pollocoff and how he works with the utilities, and power plant, and revenue. Then he takes a direct shot at yours truly suggesting that I CAN WASTE my time watching CH25 and Cartoon Network. He then ties this time commitment somehow to his role in Madison suggesting that "working to 3:30/5:00 o'clock in the morning is not the most productive". But it's just a big love fest for John S and Mike P after all.


FINAL clip:

--"Nice comments, John", Allen says. Having had enough of this Trustee-requested waste of time, Trustee Allen decides to add his last bits and motions for filing in the circular file cabinet.


There you have it. DOA - DEAD ON ARRIVAL. SHAMEFUL. This is what happens when a government is monolithic in its majority. Your village government will put up whatever argument it sees fit to block this effort. Throwing video screens and NEW TEK TRICASTER PRO $8000 machines into the mix is just proof of how bad they don't want to do this.

Before it was BORING.


What's next? "I won't be able to wear blue jeans to village meetings anymore -- those county board supervisors just don't look comfortable"?

I have proved that it can be done if WILLING PARTIES EXIST. Well, they don't exist. It's THEIR way or the HIGHWAY. I was hoping (how foolish!) that this group would see that it can be REASONABLY done, and that perhaps a side benefit of doing this would involve getting rid of me every meeting (negotiations still available!).

The KENOSHA NEWS should have a story on this matter in Thursday's paper (3/6). Should be interesting reading too.

I WAS elected to the board, but I am not today. I(We) will continue to do this upon review of agendas, and if the items seem BORING (as Trustee Serpe states), then I(we) may or may not come, but you can be sure that if controversial things do show up on agendas I(WE) WILL BE THERE with cameras and maybe better sound equipment too. Do you find this POSTING interesting and technically intriguing? Well, if you do, then please note that what you have seen here is far more involved than videotaping and playing the meetings 'gavel to gavel' on CH25.


Anonymous said...

SS, DD. Nothing new here, move along.

Anonymous said...

Alex, get over yourself and move on. You did make one interesting comment, that you now know where ch 25 is out of. What did you do in your 2 years? No interest in anything other that yourself, you do like to hear youself talk. Wait, maybe that is why you video tape, now you can see yourself too!

Village People said...

Nice write up. Sorry I missed the meeting but I am listening to the audio and watching the video. Too bad they can't 'find' the money like they did for the referendums when they failed.

I also hear a lot of talk about how bad the economy is doing at the Board meeting. I guess all the developer's coming in and asking for extensions hasn't clued them in that revenues have and will continue to drop significantly. How many PP home sales were listed in the Kenosha News this weekend? Will be interesting to see how much of the rainy day fund they dip, wait a minute, we don't have one!...Look out residents!

I guess all the anonymouses and Village trustees and staff will get that warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that Alex is in charge of the videos of their Board meetings that he broadcasts for all to see. What kind of editing software did you say you had again? :-)

Anonymous said...

Alex, did you have your "I'm a dumb-ass" hat on Monday night? They did a study, they figured out the cost, and they're not gonna do it.

Go sell some nitrogen, ManureMan.

Anonymous said...

There are so many items to comment on here and not enough time. First, let me state as fact, Alex, Bob Babcock Sr. and myself all endorse police cams. I believe they are more important than meetings being brought to channel 25. However, they are also more important than anything in the parks department, which in this year’s village budget adds up to enough to put 5 police cams in each car. Trustee Serpe used two slain officers as evidence to the importance of these cams. These cams were essential in the apprehension of these criminals. I wholeheartedly agree that any tools needed to catch individuals capable of killing a police officer are critical. These cams are not only necessary to Keep Our Police Safe, but also for the residents of Pleasant Prairie. Anyone capable of killing a cop is a danger to all of us. As a former cop, its unfortunate trustee Serpe hasn’t been more vocal about this. A few elections ago the residents of Pleasant Prairie voted overwhelmingly to support Keeping Our Police Safe. Now, this board has shown a complete disregard for their safety and the sentiments of the residents of our village by putting park equipment ahead of police cams. I go to as many board meetings as possible. I had no idea about the police cams. The irony is I would watch the board meetings I miss on channel 25 and would have known about the police cams. More to come, but no time now.


Bob Babcock Jr.

Anonymous said...

.I guess Monica's on her way out since the "boys" keep dismissing her. Too bad. Finally one with balls and it's a woman!

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Bob Jr.,

What a home run! I kind of touched on it, but for shame on abuse of something so significant (police safety) to try to 'win' on something so comparably insignificant (board videotaping). You connected the dots.

Now to you ANONYMOUSES that remain little minions hiding behind grandma's apron. Aren't you ashamed our YOURSELVES? Do you have any pride whatsoever, or did you sell that to the devil also?

Someone once said that "if you give up liberty for security, you will have neither, and deserve none".

Does substance mean anything to you? At least I see you can read and actually retain something -- that Roger Prange CH25 comment is a classic 'gotya' - touche little minion!.

The last commenter stating that "They did a study, they figured out the cost, and they're not gonna do it". Isn't that kind of like judge and executioner all in one? I don't even think you realize how subservient and weak you sound. You have given all power and decision making over to someone else and you believe everything they have to say -- sounds like an OBAMANONYMOUSE!
Would that mean you live in OBAMANATION?

Pretty good, huh?

If criticizing my hat is the best you can do, then I guess I have to go back to 'tying one hand behind my back'.

PleasantPrairieWI said...


Village People said...

"They did a study, they figured out the cost, and they're not gonna do it." Anonymanure

In 1990, the Village proposed a public road across the Kenosha County bike trail at 32nd Avenue and 122nd street. They falsely claimed they had permission from the County.

In 2004 the Village voted to not cross the Kenosha County Bike Trail and told the residents against it that they wouldn't have to deal with the issue any more.

In 2006, the Board voted to cross the bike trail without informing residents that they changed their minds.

In 2007, the US Department of Interior, the Wisconsin DNR and the County told the Village they couldn't cross with a public road, so the Village voted for an emergency crossing claiming it was needed for safety (Sound familair Mr. Serpe?).

Why were they so adamant about a crossing? So they could help the developer, that Mr. pollocoff called the worst the Village has ever had to work with, so he and the Village could make money at the expense of safety for bike trail users. Does that make any sense? So the Village studied and changed their mind. I guess it is OK for them to change their mind as long as it is what THEY want. Glad to see they NEVER change their minds about anything, Anonymanure (referendum anyone?).

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed all the closeups of Monica? Alex, have you gone sweet on her? What does the rest of the board think? Are they jealous? Alex says "anything you want Monica - I'm there for you"

Village People said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Village People said...

Hey Alex, they're watching your videos!

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex, I noticed you never mentioned you watch cartoons. How did the president know? Maybe he was refering to you watching him.

Anonymous said...

Alex doesn't realize that he's doing a great public service by recording these meetings, and saving the taxpayers' money, all in one.

Keep going Alex...and quit asking those of us that don't get 25 to pay for your mug on TV.

Anonymous said...

"Keep going Alex...and quit asking those of us that don't get 25 to pay for your mug on TV."

Should those who don't use north field have to pay a share of the $208,000? Yes!!! I may not agree with the way the village spends our money, but it has nothing to do with whether I'll use it or not. It's called living in a village, town, city, state... I probably won't get to use social security. Why do they keep taking it out of my paycheck?
The beauty is you are informed and able to voice your opinion. There are many ways to get information about what's happening in the village. The problem is there's only one way to find out exactly what happened at a village meeting and right now that's to be there. Video is THE only other way to see exactly what happened. We pay for many things in life we have no use for. Taxes hopefully go toward something that benefit somebody. I guess video is one of those things for you. You have every right to complain. I do when I'm not happy with a board decision. I just can't agree with the "I don't have channel 25" reasoning.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to sign my name to the last post.


Bob Babcock Jr.

Anonymous said...

.Wasn't someone complaining about not enough money for TV and wanted it used for plowing? Maybe that same person could find out why the Village plowed my street at 5 AM this morning, yes with the blade down, when we got an 1/8 of an inch of snow. What a waste.

Anonymous said...


In all seriousness, did you personally do any research into getting YOUR tapings put on Ch 25 without Village involvement? Maybe you could do it similar to Scott Barter's show. Just a thought, and again...I'd be willing to help if you asked, but as I predicted in the earlier thread...nobody actually asked me for help. It could be more interesting, and give you a chance to go over the agenda prior to showing the taped meetings. Kind of like sports center, you'd do a lead in, and roll the tape!

I honestly think this Channel 25 showing would be of benefit to a bare minimum of people, not only due to lack of viewing capability, but unfortunate lack of interest as well. This lack of interest/participation is shown every November, and is truly the most unfortunate aspect of our governmental procedure. Nonetheless, televising meetings isn't hurting anyone either. As an aside, but not really all that on the side, I completely agree with Serpe's contention that it's kind of like a sedative. At least it's an informative narcotic!

I also found your comment regarding Yuhas being the ONLY one to address citizen's concerns. I agree she has shown a great deal of interest in citizen's issues and is doing a phenomenal job. That being said, when Tobin Creek had the mailbox problem, all 4 trustees visited the subdivision in response to the HOA. I have also had all 4 trustees return my personal emails and phone calls regarding several issues, all in a timely fashion.

BTW, I hadn't thanked you for this forum, so thank you. I haven't ever attempted this, but I couldn't imagine it being easy. If you are interested in any help, contact me at

Village People said...

From Village website: My only comment is nobody else seems to have to have all the points of focus covered on Channel 25. The Village doesn't always have to do everything perfectly.

What's News in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
Board Agrees to Hold Off on Televising Meetings
During a March 3 Village Board Meeting, Pleasant Prairie Board members considered a report regarding the video broadcast of Village Board and Commission meetings on Pleasant Prairie PEG Channel 25. The Board decided to hold off on televising meetings until they could financially justify the budget dollars required to accurately and clearly capture all points of focus during meetings. Points of focus include: the Dais, where the board presides over the meeting; the podium, where members of the public come to present; a panel, where staff members sit to present; a presentation wall, where tables, charts, maps, photographs, and more are displayed; easels, where presenters such as developers, architects or engineers place presentation boards for Board Members to view; and the audience.

The report covered a history of the concept, which has been under evaluation since 2004. It also looked at current funding for PEG Channel services and the changes that will take place with the recently passed cable competition legislation. Other components of the report included detailed recommendations and financial estimates compiled by Village multimedia staff that would be responsible for the project. Other budgetary strains placed on the Village with recent winter weather and roadway conditions were also discussed, and a staff recommendation to reassess the project during future years’ budget working sessions was made.

“In short, we just cannot justify making this project a priority over more pressing needs, especially in a time when we are responding to major impacts on our budget due to situations that we have had no control over, namely the weather and the economy,” commented Mike Pollocoff, Village Administrator. “This is something that we can revisit in the future, as priorities shift, and as more of a demand for this service grows across Village residency.” Board members shared comments regarding the report and agreed to revisit the topic in the future as warranted.

Anonymous said...

.Stop the Allen close-ups will ya? Geez, is he can make it to another term?

Village People said...

Village People said...

Did Mr. Pollocoff, or any other Trustee, ;-) say anything about applying for grants? I ask as the Village just received a grant from the State that also benefits a select group and if the Lt Gov is all for it, perhaps there is a small pool of money available that the Village could apply for and be the first to have a State of the Art facility for broadcasting meetings. Just a thought.

""awarded a grant totaling $83,858 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation""

Anonymous said...

John, I can't imagine Alex wants to make this a full time volunteer job. The point was to show it could be done for little cost. The board talks about wanting to keep their high standards for doing everything right. We could debate that point with other things, but the point is "live" isn't the only way to do this. If, as others have stated, there are only a few who want it why go all out with all the bells and whistles? It has been clearly shown the village verbatim minutes are not accurate so taping the meetings would ensure an accurate public record. The Lt. Gov and others have stated they believe in a transparent government. We could have that here with ALL meetings being taped and aired on 25. Also, unless others have done their homework, its only an assumption that few people want this. I agree with your statement about a general lack of interest in local government. That doesn't justify the board not being open to those of us who are involved or interested. Maybe more people would become interested if they were able to see meetings at their convenience.


Bob Babcock Jr.

Anonymous said...

.""Village President John Steinbrink referred to residents who pushed village administration to investigate this topic as having all day to waste on watching television or "cartoons." ""

Wasn't it Yuhas who asked for this review? Wow, Tub of Goo speaks so highly of her. What a moron.

There's your problem, Mr. Tiahynbok; you should be broadcasting these meetings on the cartoon network where everyone can see what a bunch of Village Idiots we have down at Village Hall! Oh by-the-way, that's what they're REALLY afraid of!

Anonymous said...


I agree. I was asking if he investigated doing it at a lower cost...while escalating the "quality" over the next few years. It's also why I suggested the "show" featuring the Village meetings, with or without a preamble. I understand there would be some costs there as well, but he's already doing the bulk of the work by taping and blogging. There are arguments for both sides, and I actually agree with the Village needing to focus on other things first (with reference to budgeting). Especially now that the meetings are podcast. I can't stand to drive down 116th street, and it's repair is long overdue (I believe on this or next year's budget).

Here's a laugh, maybe we could get some local businesses to "sponsor" the broadcasting!! In either format. I think Frank at Ruffalo's and the new Uncle Mike's could offer specials during telecasting times!!!!

Honestly, I was referring to playing the tapes on Channel 14. Alex is already taping the meeting, he could simply tape the preamble (simply the meeting agenda or even his own personal intro) or go direct to video. I think it's a good idea. I'd love to see the numbers regarding viewership once it got up and running. I think the sad truth regarding Village politics would come to the surface...too few take the time to get involved. I also offered to help in this format, as I am sure others would. At any rate, it could be done and I'm for it.

Anonymous said...


Its refreshing to debate/exchange ideas in a civil manner with a person who has a real name.


Bob Babcock Jr.

RAG said...


A live AUDIO stream is what I proposed over the internet and it's not going to cost $4200 per month to do that.

Hot Head said...

Alex, are you kidding? Taping the meetings "gavel to gavel" does not tell the whole story. The back room meeting before the "OFFICIAL" meeting should also be broadcast.

Anonymous said...

Just a guess but the cartoon watching was directed at Alex not all citizens. Say hi to Tom & Jerry for me. Do you really get to watch cartoons while selling fertilizer? Wat a job.

Village People said...

How do you knwo who the comment was directed to? Are you John? To see four people at the meeting who all spoke about the taping issue, to hear Yuhas say she asked for a report, then to hear what John Steinbrink Sr. said is insulting. Does the Board want people to be involved or not? Nobody forced Mr. Pollocoff to perform his duties and answer to the people. I raised many questions about the temporary cul-de-sacs but only question that was partially addressed was that John Jr. would review. Nothing about the 800 foot requirement, nothing about how many otehr streets fit the criteria, nothing about each requiring a variance....etc. I e-mailed the questions and they could easily have answered either at the meeting or by e-mail. I for one would like a straight answer; do they want citizens involved in Village government or not?

PleasantPrairieWI said...


After taking a day off to sell fertilizer, I am back. Showered, and even put on some cologne, since I needed to shovel some off the back of my pick-up truck too.

I truly appreciate the positive comments. It seems as though this last posting has brought out the best and the worst (again unfortunately about the worst part).

To the 'new and best' contributors, thanks for seeing the positive in all this. One thing I have learned in life is that things are rarely pure bad or pure good -- I think all the village board members are 'good' most of time. The nay-sayers unfortunately are so blinded by their hate that they can't see anything positive. This IS the mindset that overtook Germany in the 1930's. Shall we invoke the grade school history teacher reference?

To the negative haters, I kind of feel sorry for you, but your comments continue to be valuable and enlightening. I am going to try an experiment that I hope you will be able to get some guidance from. I have seen the light, and I will not call you minions, or haters any longer. I will do this regardless of what YOU do. I will not edit your comments, as I am FOR FREE SPEECH.

BUT, I will not address your negative rhetoric either. So, have at it if you want. I will keep my focus on the issues that this blog is all about in the first place. The Village of Pleasant Prairie, and its offical conduct.

The case has been made for simple and very low cost videotaping for the public to see at their convenience--that's why this blog exists orginally -- just look at the title. The entire arguement opposed to this idea is based on intentionally BLOATED and exaggerated versions of what I am talking about.

I suppose to those that aren't willing to see the difference this is good enough, but for those that take the time, it is clearly another round of stalling and lack of desire.

Elected officials have PUT THEMSELVES on display and therefore are always fair game.

You on the other hand (especially the no-names) deserve to be treated differently. When you are here, you are like a guest in my home, and you will be treated that way.

I am one of you with an opposing opinion.

IF you want to take shots at my choice of head-wear, or my fertilizer occupation "go ahead -- make my day", but it also reveals the lack of substance behind your disdain.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Village People,
I just saw your comment.

THEY do want people involved in the village that are cheerleaders and direction-takers.

THEY DO NOT want people involved that are independent and critical thinkers.

It's that simple.

I have gotten used to the insults. The last one about my viewing CH25 and the Cartoon Channel is just another example of village president John Steinbrinks insatiable need to throw spears. Others like comments about voting records are pretty regular too.

It must be somewhat un-nerving to be so resistant to hearing opposing and differing opinions. They are not used to that and that's why people like you and me are treated as we are.

I personally prefer to hear EVERY opinion so that afterwards I can process new ideas along with my existing ideas and maybe, just maybe, come up with a better idea. BUT, if your original idea is already the "BEST", I guess this approach is un-necessary.

Anonymous said...

If there were only four people at the meeting, why would it need to be video taped?
Now you are comparing the village of pleasant prairie to Germany in the 30's! You have gone MAD!

Anonymous said...

.He compared Germany of the 30's to the Village naysayers who think it is OK for no one to question the Village or their policies.

"The nay-sayers unfortunately are so blinded by their hate that they can't see anything positive. This IS the mindset that overtook Germany in the 1930's."

Check you glasses, bub.

PleasantPrairieWI said...


Let's say you need a car.

Let's say you need a used car.

Let's say that you need that car to get to work so that you can make money.

Let's say you go to a auto dealer.

Let's say you happen to wind up talking with a new car salesman first.

Let's say you tell the salesman (who has no interest in selling used cars) that you are interested in a reliable but not fancy 'used' car for about $3,000.

Let's say the dealer walks you over to the new SUV's with the IT Special Edition starting at $26,250 equipped with 108" wheels, HD radio, Shure microphones, an MP3 player, backup safety cameras, fancy audio gates and compressors and LCD screens and a NEW TEK TRICASTER 8000.

Let's say he tells you that's what you "NEED" to reflect you proper style.

Let's say you sit down to do the paperwork, and the annoyed, excessively busy, and overworked FINANCING MANAGER tells you that you cannot afford the car since you only have $3,000, and therefore you CANNOT have any car at all (even though used cars for $3000 are available).

Let's say you CANNOT get to work because now you have NO CAR at all.

Let's say this analogy is done.

Anonymous said...

Why not tell the fire department to go to a fire with a garden hose and a bucket of water. You can put out a fire with that right?

The CNN studio you refer to, that would cost millions. One camera in that studio would cost upwards of 26K.

What do other cities do? That would be worth investigating?

Anonymous said...

We have already studied what other "comprable" cities do. In short, they videotape their meetings.


Bob Babcock Jr.

Anonymous said...

Auto-spell checker


sorry I'm anal


Bob Babcock Jr.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Bob Jr.,

Being an engineer, I can tell you that there are 2 sometimes quite different measures of 'correctness'.

First is 'accuracy': Accuracy is what YOU (Bob) exhibit. Accuracy is how close you are to the TRUE VALUE (or Truth). You make a simple mistake (like the simple typo for 'comparable'), and you recognize the mistake and move towards the correct and true value.

Second is 'precision': Folks often confuse these 2 measures as being the same, but they are not necessarily so. Precision is how close the measurements are to EACHOTHER.

For example, the TRUE value could be 100, but a series of 'measurements' could result in all being close to 125. Those that made the 125 measurement could all agree with eachother and say without a doubt they are correct. BUT, they would all be wrong by 25%. While the one measurement of 102 could be rare, but more correct.

I'll stick with you. True value 100. Measured value 102 with a DESIRE to correct to 100.

It must be tough to be at 125 and not to have the desire to know the truth.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking 125 in terms of fertilizer? Why does a fertilizer shoveler need an engineering degree? Would this be a sh*tty degree?

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

So would these be accurate statements?

Instead of saying we can’t justify spending money on airing live meetings when we couldn’t even afford police cams, they really mean, WE DON‘T WANT TO AND YOU CAN‘T MAKE US.

Bob Jr., Bob Sr. and Alex say: We urge you to consider videotaping all village meetings.
Board hears: Blah, Blah, Blah

Board thinks all taxpaying residents who come to board meetings with reasonable requests/concerns are really annoying, irritating wastes of time.

Board thinks comparable cities only apply when it benefits them.

Mike Pollocoff works so hard, if he hit copy, paste, send it would take him ‘til the next morning, just like they do in Madison.

Village People said...

I can't wait to see how they 'find' the money now that the economy is doing so poorly; which was mentioned several times by the Trustees at the last meeting. I wonder how the projected budget is looking compared to what it actually is?

Anonymous said...

Alex, while I don't agree with everything you say or believe, I respect your willingness to at least be involved.

CH 25 should show these meetings, and if it means on one crappy camera for now, so be it.

On another note, the juvenile tit-for-tat that happens frequently on these blogs is quite amusing, but if I were you, I would not respond to these as it encourages more.

On yet a different note, Monica has shown that she is working for the citizens of Pleasant Prairie. She deserves a lot of credit for exposing herself to ridicule by addressing unpopular issues. I believe that she will reap the rewards of being an honest and caring individual sometime in the future.

Anyway, keep taping the is the only way I get to see them. I refuse to sit and READ 50 pages of text that does not capture the mood and tone of a meeting.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

To the 10:22 Anonymous,

Thank you for your comments.

As I mentioned previously today, although in many ways desirable, I will follow up on my commitment to not respond to the less than savory comments. Frankly, it's just not worth it. Regardless of how much I try to appeal to reasonability, it is met with more venom.

So, as promised, I will continue to allow those moved to post garbage, but I have no intention of responding anymore as you also suggested.

Thanks also for acknowledging the efforts (and my comments) about Monica. She has demonstrated (at the result of getting out of the comfort zone on the dias) a clear willingness to think independently and on behalf of the citizens. I frankly was not expecting this during the election, but she has separated herself. She will get my vote in her re-election effort based on what I have seen, AND in a separate e-mail I have suggested that she run for Village President in 2009.

I am currently exploring options that will result in a more elegant version of my YOUTUBE effort (with all of its current quality limitations). It's really not a crappy camera -- it's the downgrading necessary to get the file size and length down to YOUTUBE maximums that makes it crappy. To prove the point, I burned a DVD in full DV quality and delivered it to Village Clerk Jane Romanowski just to show what actually could be done simply with one camera in full resolution -- never heard a peep about it in response.

Thanks for your comments again, and please continue watching and commenting.

Perhaps others will recognize its not all about headwear and fertilizer.


Anonymous said...

The spirit of volunteerism shines through. In addition to the online minutes and recordings of the meetings, anyone who wants video can partake of Alex's efforts. When taxpayer funding isn't available, volunteerism rocks.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Fiscal Watchdog,
Thanks for your comments, and I agree 100% lock step agreement is not necessary, but the willingness to be open-minded and willing to see the 'good' in others efforts is. I appreciate you for that.
We will do the best to keep things good with the goal of improvement working within the environment in which we exist.
Keep the comments coming, and lets drown out those that are only able to spit venom about headwear and inadequate primary school experiences.

Anonymous said...

"Drown out" the nay-sayers, huh?

So much for freedom of speech in Alex's world. Or is that Wally World?

The previous poster was right...Alex is a communist.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Freedom of speech is alive and well in Wally's world -- I prefer Wayne's World.

SEE -- I didn't delete your comment! I could have, but I didn't. That IS freedom of speech alive and well.

Try the freedom of speech arguement on other blogs --
let's see --- hmmmmm? --- how about "it must be live or it's dead" RAG Dujour! If you need the link, please let me know, but I doubt you need it, right?

If I am a communist, then you are the Pope who rezones Catholic Bookstores.

I encourage folks who have something positive to say (even if they don't agree with me) to keep coming back, so that there is SOME balance to the garbage people like you continue to spew. Why don't you start a blog, so that we can litter it with your type of contributions? Please forward to link, and I am sure the service will be reciprocated.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

The "REEL" and visible Truth about Pleasant Prairie is no different from the real and visible truth about people. We have all kinds in Pleasant Prairie just like anywhere else. We may need to sift through the garbage, but there are a lot of interesting thoughts and ideas from both sides to ponder. Speaking for myself, I am very open to listening to other points of view, just don't be offended by mine. Everyone has an opinion, some very strong, still we can learn from others too. It seems to me the village board does not take this same approach. We would all be better served if they did. If citizens take the time to go to board meetings and want to be heard, they shouldn't be shamed for it. That's what has happened numerous times in the past and some of us won't stand for it. I'm not going to name names, but I know of a few people who don't bother going to meetings anymore because of they way they have been treated by the board. That's a shame.

Anonymous said...

It is with great pleasure that I nominate Alex for County Executive!
He seems to know just about everything necessary to hold any position and seems to have a good solid reasonable plan to correct almost any wrong. On top of it the board meetings are already on ch 25. He can just kick back and fix all the problems. Here's your first vote.

Village People said...

Finally, an anonymous that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

He'd be great as County Exec. It's a job with little power, a slot on TV, and he'd get a REAL job. Finally, the REAL TRUTH!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how he rates a knockout wife! :)

Village People said...

Probably because he isn't afraid to sign his name.

Anonymous said...

Look at the experience Alex has in running. County Board Supervisor, Village Trustee & Village President. He's got my vote, you go Alex!

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Does this mean I am whole-heartedly endored by "anonymous".
Just think of the campaign literature.

Alexander Tiahnybok, endorsed by anonymous and anonymous.

Love it, and thanks for the expression of confidence.

You guys really want to get rid of me in the village. Maybe it's time to cut a deal.

Anonymous said...

I knew it. You are only out for money. Oh yea, you don't get paid enough!

Anonymous said...

No one said anything about the village getting rid of you. I think it is a compliment that you could also make decisions to help the village of Pleasant Prairie as well as the entire county. The campaing literature could be "anonymous, Treasurer". Think of the publicity at no cost.

PleasantPrairieWI said...


Apparently you are NOT the same as the penultimate anonymouse.

I have been 'conditioned' to expect the 'second shoe' to drop with some kind of sorry reference to hatwear or something about a grade school teacher.

Unfortunately, that is representative of a great deal of anonymouse postings.

I appreciate your follow-up.

Thanks for recognizing that I am able to contribute something. It may not be out of the prescribed songbook as some would like, but I do believe it has value too.

I think you are wrong about the 'village' wanting to see me go away -- and just clarify by 'village', I mean those in government office (elected and appointed) today.

I like the way you think, and again thanks for 'seeing' that perhaps I can not only 'help' the village residents, but also the county residents too.

Alex T.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

AND just in case anyone is wondering, I am not declaring any candidacy for COUNTY EXECUTIVE.

Although, I do find it a little distasteful that the likes of Rep. Jim Kreuser are already openly jockeying for position while Alan Kehl is not yet even gone. I hope Alan is not in too deep on this. I have met him multiple times and really do think he is a good guy.

Anonymous said...

Of course you do, he is a fellow Republican. He is in deep and is taking a deal just to keep his son out of it. That is why there is a disparity in money($15-$20ooo).
How many more of Reince's people are part of it?

Anonymous said...

Tom Hanks says:

Village People said...

I still like Elmer Fudd and Howdy Doody.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Anonymouse (Tom Hanks -- how about if you use that as your NAME? -- this way at least I know its the same anonymous),
Life is a like a box of chocolates. Do you think I should 'run' for the sake of 'running'? And specifically for what elected office?
Just curious about any input you might have.

Anonymous said...

Forget about running now. I thought with friends like Jackson & Clark they would help get you in. Not against Kruser.

Anonymous said...

.Kreuser the Loser.

Anonymous said...

.At least it's not Eleverman or Molinaro! Rocky and BULLwinkle for Village.